Category: Arrian

Arrias and His Muse: A Sunken Warship

Half her crew are fallen, Now forever below, asleep, A once great warship lies; In waters dark and deep. Badly burned and broken, No more to see the sun, No more port-calls, no more honors, Her days of glory done. No more shall she strike awe, No more will she terrify some foe, Now she’s […]

Arrias: Nothing New In The East

The war in Ukraine has settled into a disquieting monotony: for those who have been following the war closely, the last few weeks seem like “nothing new”: each day Russian forces continue to slowly move into the East, small unit actions continue along most of the fronts, the siege of Mariupol continues, and the Russians […]

Arrias: Earl Weaver, Volodymyr Zelensky, and Vlad Putin

Editor’s Note: I keep feeling like we are trapped in a high school “Modern European History” seminar when we covered the Great War and Depression in like, two or three class periods and everyone went “How could some conflict about an execution of some prince guy in a country none of has has heard of […]

Arrias: Spring

Dark and thick they loom, Crowding o’er the trees, Branches shake and shiver In the gathering breeze. Spring rain, cold and hard, But the grass is turning green, Trees all covered in buds, Mother Nature’s spring routine. The first few large drops fall, A heavy, staccato beat, But then they come in a torrent, And […]

Arrias: Escalate? De-Escalate?

The phrase “Escalate to De-escalate” has been used to describe a Russian military doctrine of the select use of nuclear weapons to stop a war from proceeding any further. While some have countered that the phrase does not exist in Russian military doctrine, it is clear that the idea does. But what exactly does it […]

Arrias: Unlimited War

As we try to come to grips with the situation in Europe – a war in Ukraine, a great deal of pressure on the NATO alliance, the problem of Vladimir Putin – we need to take a look at history to provide us with some guidance. And, while comparing anyone to Hitler is often a […]

Arrias: A Streetlight in Kota Kinabalu

The road from the port dipped, As it ran beside the long pier, Dark and dirty and quiet, Efficient, unwelcoming, austere. He walked slowly down the road, Far away was a single streetlight, A pale yellow glow in the tropic heat, Just managed to hold back the night. The bougainvillea smelled like honeysuckle, Memories of […]

Arrias:  Liberty or Death?

It has been a strange few years: around the world we have seen the reach of governments grow. Whether we agree or disagree with the specific justifications for the expansion of government, we simply cannot deny that virtually every government in the world has tried to expand its reach over the past several years. In […]

Arrias: Blessed Ambiguity

Most wars of conquest have several phases; often (and this is true in the past as much as it is today) wars start with a few brilliant victories in short order. Then they seem to separate out into several categories: the loser of the battles surrender (less common); long, slow grinds follow in which both […]

Arrias: Cuba, Korea and Ukraine

We need to end the war in Ukraine, for a host of reasons. The immediate reason is obviously to end the very real suffering among innocents, the reason any war should be avoided at nearly any cost (not all costs, some wars are necessary, Ukraine is justifiably fighting at this point). The second reason is […]