Category: Arrian

Arrias: Oaths

Author’s Note: My Muse has some thoughts… – Arrias Oaths ’Tis a plague upon all our houses, Comes dissent, then murder most foul, Words stand on their heads, In their graves the Founders growl. Oaths are given then broken, But just who is doing the breaking? Are they patriots or hypocrites? Freedom is attacked, Lady […]

Arrias: Distant Echoes

If you’ve been following the news, you know that Russia sent some 2,500 troops into Almaty, Kazakstan last week to restore order. They also brought with them a smaller number of Kyrgyz troops – which perhaps hints at the level of Russian influence in Bishkek. It’s also of note that Russia has recently sold additional […]

Arrias: Universal Truths

Tony loves Maria, but the Sharks hate the Jets. Romeo and Juliet, Hero and Leander, Qays ibn Mulawah and Layal al Amiriya, Abelard and Heloise, Princess Orihime and Hikoboshi; the list goes on. What do they have in common? They are all star-crossed lovers. Some are myth, some are fiction, two are very, painfully, real […]

Arrias: Snowflakes

Editor’s Note: There was some mild controversy at the Fire Ring this morning. Splash was up and agitated, waving his arms and gesturing with all his digits. He was talking about the apparent collapse of the trial against the Michigan militia group that had plotted to kidnap the Governor of Michigan. It turned out the […]

Arrias: Good Governance

A fascinating event took place this past week; it wasn’t Senator Manchin stating that he would not support the multi-trillion dollar, all-in-one bill that had been beating around Washington for the last year, though that was related. What was fascinating was how, within seconds of his decision there were a host of articles from all […]

Arrias: Holiday Eating Tips

Editor’s Note: This just in from Arrias, who provides some simple guidelines for dining on the Eve of Christmas. His sage advice provides a means of guiding ourselves through the Holiday with merriment and joy! And there is some other joy, in tune with the season right here at Refuge Farm this afternoon. Merry Christmas! […]

Arrias: Will They Go?

It seems that something is brewing. And it probably isn’t going to be pretty. Putin wants more of Ukraine, Xi wants Taiwan, and the Mad Mullahs in Tehran want nuclear weapons. And has anyone heard from young Mr. Kim in Pyongyang lately? About 10 months ago I asked the question “Will he go?” of Emperor […]

Arrias: No Sanctuary

There have been several recent articles in professional journals discussing the nature of the next war, whether the US is stuck in the past or is going in the right direction with regard to how we will fight. With due respect to the authors, who are all smart and experienced, I think they’ve missed something […]

Arrias: Sound the Trumpet

Editor’s Note: It was eighty years ago this morning that the Japanese launched their aircraft to kill thousands of young sailors at the US Naval Base at Pearl Harbor. We did not know them as living citizens, but our pal RADM Donald “Mac” Showers reported aboard Station HYPO just two months after the attack. The […]

Arrias: Global Posture Mediocrity

What is the Global Posture Review (GPR)? A global posture review is an opportunity to take a fresh look at what we’re doing and how we are doing it, to make adjustments that account for recent changes in the geopolitical environment. Given all the changes we’ve seen in the last year, a GPR represents an […]