Category: Arrian

Arrias & His Muse: First Frost

A brilliant full Moon o’er the forest, The dogs give me the eye, Mighty cold for an October night, Under a cloudless lapis sky. Dawn still two hours away, But no deer to be seen, Already have their winter coats, Gray shapes in a gray woodland scene. The leaves are all quite brittle, Quietly crunching […]

Arrias and His Muse: Islands and Castles

A cool breeze, a brilliant Moon, The mountains and forts slide by, Glowing a brilliant white in Moonlight, They glide silently across the sky. Some are smaller, only small islets, Other with towering mountains possessed, Deep valleys and might castles, One after another, they march in from the west. Do those canyons hide more mighty […]

Arrias:  Proportional Response

This past week President Biden asked Israel to address Iran’s recent missile attack on Israel with a proportional response, and refrain from striking the Iranian oil industry or the Iranian nuclear weapons program. Rumor as of Sunday afternoon is that there’s been a specific offering to Israel if they will refrain – weapons and gear […]

Arrias: Unambiguous Ambiguity

Tsar Vlad I is in the news again, talking about nuclear weapons. The news media reports he has changed his nuclear policy but I wonder if that is so. I say that for a simple reason: Russia’s nuclear policy is Vlad Putin’s nuclear policy. He is the guy who will order nuclear weapons be used; […]

Arrias: To Amend #3

Several More amendments to chew on (I promise this is the last one for a while). I repeat my earlier comment, none of this is definitive. Rather, these are the starting points for discussion. We need to fix a few points, and to fix them we first need to discuss them. The words below are […]

Arrias and His Muse: The Equinox

Dry leaves tumble in the breeze, Red and yellow and brown, And then slowly come to settle, A crunchy covering o’er the ground. The Equinox is upon us, Winter is just around the bend, Soon the weather guessers will tell Just what all this portends. But their forecasts might as well be dice, Their records […]

Arrias: To Amend #2

Here are two more amendments to chew on (you have only one more week to suffer through this). I repeat my earlier comment, none of this is definitive. Rather, these are the starting points for discussion. We need to fix a few points, and to fix them we first need to discuss them. The words […]

Arrias: To Amend

Author’s Note: As promised – the first of, I think, 4 amendments… – Arrias To Amend I have a good friend, a very smart good friend, who suggests that we as a nation are unlikely to amend the Constitution simply because too large a block of folks, people on the far left, no longer agree […]

Arrias: Good Government: Balance the Budget

Gentle Readers: This is the first in a series in which Arrias explores how we might make all this actually work in a way that is better for us all. Stand by as we barrel forward. – Vic “Shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread that it has earned…” You’ve all read […]

Arrias: Eisenhower was Right

Eisenhower was Right (About more than the Military Industrial Complex) During World War II, US defense spending peaked at $83 billion per year (1945), which doesn’t seem like a lot these days. But in 1940, the US GDP was $101 billion and total spending of the Army and Navy for 1940 was about $2 billion. […]