Category: Arrian

Arrias: Diverse Americans

21 December 2020 Editor’s Note: Today marks the Solstice, the shortest day of the year. Or, as Old Jim at Willow would bellow: “It’s the same length as every other day. It just has a few seconds less sunlight than yesterday!” Then he would slam down the long-neck Budweiser with a declarative thud on the […]

Arrias: Another Health Crisis

Editor’s Note: This is the anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor. It was mentioned each year when I was growing up, and one of the reasons my sons were born there as Kama’ainas. That is the Hawaiian term for “child of the land.” The place we worked was on Ford Island, then reachable only […]

Arrias: America Second

Here’s a quick quiz: What happened on June 21st, 1966? It’s a bit esoteric, and I suspect it isn’t even taught anywhere any more, but it was an important date, for it was the date that French President Charles de Gaulle sent a brief note to President Johnson that contains this simple line: France is […]

Arrias: Billions Will Die

Editor’s Note: There is a swirl in the air, not uncommon at the start of the holiday season, but this one is different. It is different by design. Governors seem to be competing for Emmy awards. It is a curious thing. Arrias takes a look this morning at how we are dealing with the essence […]

Arrias: Air Bedding

Editor’s Note: There is a lot going on. Some of the other Narrative on the mutable nature of truth will play out this week. Follow the accounts- all of them- and join us in the merry struggle for power. – Vic Reader Comment: “I actually saw an air bedding evolution once. It was on USS […]

Arrias: Before the Heavens Fall

Editor’s Note: I am happy to lead the week with Arrias on our recent exciting election. Point Loma and Marlow also have contributions to brighten the coming days. There is some fascinating stuff coming for us all, and be assured, your Daily Socotra staff is watching. More as it happens. – Vic 09 November 2020 […]

Arrias: Loyalty

Editor’s Note: It is clear but chill down on the farm. Breathtaking beauty, oblivious to our antics down here on the still-green ground. Today, we share the penultimate day in the national election carnival. It has been spectacular. Vote if you haven’t. God Bless America. – Vic Loyalty What is loyalty? And to whom or […]

Arrias: Consequences

Quiz: which is bigger: 50 million or 10 million? Before we answer that, some thoughts on fossil fuels. Lots of talk this week about fossil fuels, zero net emissions, reducing CO2 emissions, cutting oil and gas consumption, etc. But the Biden campaign, taking a page from the once great state of California, wants to force […]

Arrias: Admirals in Wonderland

Editor’s Note: The pharmacologic supplements necessary to speed efficient recovery from surgery have added a new dimension to the continuing excitement of the election. Last night, the final Presidential debate was interesting. It was filled with empty promises about big plans that have no details. Call me an idiot, but I felt a tugging of […]

Arrias: A Lesson From the Gracchi

19 October 2020 Editor’s Note: I don’t know how you are handling the coming election. I have been relatively diligent in attempting to follow the twists and turns of the narratives driving both sides of this strange election. The most recent developments, captured in the last two weeks of the normal cycle have been curious. […]