Category: Arrian

Arrias: Cui Bono?

Two thousand years ago Cicero wrote about a noted Roman judge, Lucius Cassius Longinus Ravilla, that the Roman people regarded him as a “most honest and wise judge.” Cassius, in an effort to reach the most accurate and just finding, was famous for asking, again and again: Cui bono? “Good to whom?” Or, more colloquially: […]

Arrias: Existential Threat

There is an adage in aviation that runs: “Aviate, Navigate, Communicate.” What it means is that, above all things, keep the airplane flying. Second, figure out where you are. Third, talk to the ground or other airplanes only after you have taken care of the other two – in sequence. It was this very simple […]

Arrias: Reconciliation

Editor’s Note: This is going to be a big week. I have two wonderful essays from the irascible Marlow on the nature of divinity and plague, and my great-grandfather’s account of his Grand Tour of Europe back in 1903. It is interesting timing, since they form by happenstance some useful bookends in this truly mad […]

Arrias: Battle Streamers

If you ever find yourself in Boston you should make it a point to make your way to Pier 1 of the Charleston Navy Yard and pay a call to the glorious ship stationed there: USS Constitution. As you probably know well, she was one of the first six frigates commissioned by the US government, […]

Arras on Politics: Infallible

Before Jan Sobieski, King of Poland, saved Vienna and Western Civilization, he first insisted that Emperor Leopold I pay his army and provide fodder for his horses (no small thing – he had more than 25,000 horse). Leopold and the Holy League balked, but then paid up, and, in the wake of the largest cavalry […]

Arrias: Madness

Take a look at the Great Sphinx – it’s missing its nose. A number of years ago I was a witness in a murder trial. It was fascinating for a host of reasons, some tragic, some actually enlightening. But one of the overriding lessons I learned from it was the “pedestrian” nature of the courts […]

Arrias: To No Earthly King

Quick quiz: Who was Ralph Rose? Before answering that question, consider something we’ve all seen several times in the past week, and for that matter over the past several years: people kneeling in public. In some cases it has been clearly a sign of deference to and thanks to God. Such acts have come in […]

Arrias: Snake Plissken and the Progressive Vision of America

Socrates argued it was his duty to remain in prison because he had a contract with the city. This idea, more fully flushed out by Hobbes and Rousseau, came to be termed the social contract. Simply stated, there exists a de facto contract between the individual and the government and that contract forms the basis […]

Arrias: John Adams, Isaac Newton and the Road Warrior

There are any number of wars going on around the planet. But, in truth, none represents an existential threat to America. Nor does the Wuhan virus. Both China and Russia represent real threats, as both have large arsenals of nuclear weapons. But, the likelihood that one or the other will actually destroy the US with […]

Arrias: Ted Williams, Nuclear Weapons and Our Dear Leaders

What’s the probability Ted Williams will get a hit at his next at bat? And while we’re at it, what’s the probability that Mario Mendoza will get a hit at his next at bat? Ted Williams – Marine fighter pilot and Red Sox outfielder – had a lifetime batting average of .344 – 7th highest […]