Category: Arrian

Arrias: The Birth of Tyranny

Michael Caputo is a media strategist who worked for the Trump campaign. He was in the news last week commenting on the ongoing investigation by Robert Mueller and how it dramatically damaged his life: even though he was just called as a witness, the cost of dealing with the various legal issues has essentially bankrupted […]

Arrias: The Perils of Socialism

Here’s an experiment: write down everything you’ll need for the next year. Everything: the simple stuff like how many boxes of oatmeal or toilet-paper rolls, and the hard stuff: how many new cell phones you’ll need because one broke or one was lost. How many times will the plumber need to come out to the […]

Arrias: Tariffs and Politics

Last week President Trump imposed tariffs on, among other things, Chinese steel and aluminum, as well as placing restrictions on various investments by China in US markets. Commentary mainly seems to have come down in opposition to the move, noting the US has a $375 billion trade deficit with China; that many of our consumer […]

Arrias: A Daily Tragedy

“…worn out with labor and sinking under the burdens of anxieties, (he) could not sustain his spirits, which shook within him with the apprehension of a new war and fresh encounters and dangers, the formidable character of which he knew by his own experience… he fell into despondency, nocturnal frights, and unquiet sleep… Above all […]

Arrias: China, North Korea and President Trump

In case you missed it, two interesting things have happened in China over the last month or so: First comes news that President Xi is now, effectively, president for life. The Chinese constitution has been changed and he’s now set up until he wants to retire… Pretty good deal for him, not so much for […]

Arrias: The Fascist State

Assume for an instant that what’s been said about Mr. Trump is, in fact, true; he’s a megalomaniac, intent on seizing control of the government and ruling as de facto dictator. And if he did? What would you do about it? The vast majority of us would directly feel the loss of freedom, the loss […]

Arrias: Chloe Kim, American

In an article the other day, after she won a gold medal, a reporter waxed lyrical about Chloe Kim. The author went to some pains to point out that Miss Kim is Korean-American. I protest. She isn’t. Neither are her parents. The Kims came to the US to be Americans. Yes, they were born in […]

Arrias: North Korea and the Berlin Olympics

Editor’s Note: As a winter sports enthusiast from way back, I discovered that coverage of the current Winter Games was not as visible as it had been in decades past. Arrias adds content and context to the 2018 Games….BTW, if you haven’t, “The Boys in the Boat” is one of the better books I have […]

Arrias: Doom? Maybe Not

We’re doomed, if you listen to some folks. They may be right. There certainly are things going on that give you pause. But perhaps they’re miss-interpreting a few things. The big stories this week were the President’s State of the Union address, the release of the memo from the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, […]

Arrias: Davos Economic Forum and School Redistricting

One constant issue here in the Tidewater is ‘school re-districting.’ Everyone is very conscious of which school district they are moving into, wanting the best for their kids. So, it’s quite frustrating when a city council approves construction of more housing, knowing it will force changes in the school district boundaries, and when citizens push […]