Category: Arrian

Arrias on Healing Health Care

The President is looking at unraveling the Affordable Care Act (the ACA, commonly referred to as Obamacare) and replacing it with something that is less expensive and at the same time giving citizens more options in their health care. Less expensive is key. Since the ACA was passed in 2011, health insurance costs have soared […]

Syria, China and the Trump Administration

If you haven’t paid attention to the civil war in Syria (entering its 6th year in March), the Assad – Russia coalition has moved deep into the city of Aleppo, and now controls all but part of eastern Aleppo. This means that Assad and the Russians are winning the war. It may take another year […]

Arrias on Politics: We the People

The transfer of power, per the Constitution, has taken place. President Obama peacefully and gracefully ceded power to President Trump. Huzzah! Three Cheers for the United States of America! It’s worth noting that while Mr. Obama was passing power to Mr. Trump, troops from Senegal and Nigeria were moving to Ghana, preparing to remove the […]

Mr. Trump and the Astrophysicists

When I woke up this morning it was very cold, only 256… Okay, that’s the Kelvin scale, which starts at absolute zero, the point where atomic motion stops, -459 degree (Fahrenheit) or -273 (Celsius). (256K equals 4 Fahrenheit.) To put that in perspective, the temperature in deep space (between the stars) is about 3K. Which […]

Arrias on Politics: White Elephants

In Buddhist mythology, Maya – Buddha’s mother – dreamt she was presented a white lotus flower by a white elephant. In Hinduism, Airvata, a white elephant, carries the god Indra, king of the first heaven. Thus, in both Buddhist and Hindu culture, white elephants are sacred. Unfortunately, white elephants are so sacred they’re not allowed […]

Arrias on Politics

Syria, China and the Trump Administration If you haven’t paid attention to the civil war in Syria (entering its 6th year in March), the Assad – Russia coalition has moved deep into the city of Aleppo, and now controls all but part of eastern Aleppo. This means that Assad and the Russians are winning the […]

Arrias: Let’s End Civilian Control in the Pentagon

Okay, not really. But, there’s been lots of talk about “military” vs. civilian control, with 3 retired officers (3 civilians) selected for senior positions in the Trump administration. Hmmm… First: they’re retired. They were in the military. We’ve had retired military serve in government before; it’s never been a problem. In fact, 60 years ago […]

Arrian: The Electoral College, Jenga and Tyranny of the Majority

Jenga should be a required discipline of political scientists; the game teaches, among other things, the consequences of haste. A game of wooden blocks and balance, it teaches the “simple” reality of balance and center of gravity; it also teaches the danger of haste; if a player acts too quickly, either in removing a block […]

Arrian: Donald Trump: Grand Strategist

Since early 1953 (in Korea), the United States hasn’t lost a battalion sized force (or larger) in combat operations. In Vietnam, Grenada, Panama, Desert Storm, Afghanistan, Iraq, etc., the US has outfought every enemy. Since Desert Storm, including Somalia, the US hasn’t lost any engagement larger than a platoon. In Operation Iraqi Freedom the US […]

Arrian: Who Really Won

I came out ahead on a gentlemen’s wager this week. I made it more than a year ago, right after the first Republican debate. Mr. Trump won and so did I. I was nervous near the end, but… Not that I take a great deal of credit for the insight; rather, my insight came from […]