Category: Arrian

Arrias on Politics

Napoleon Bonaparte, Bette Davis and the New President By the time most read this the election will be over, a new president will have been elected, and everyone, particularly the media pundits, will be in full throat, telling us what happens next. In that light, a little history to provide some context… (Charles Joseph Minard, […]

Arrian on Current Affairs: Our Unraveling Security

Shia radicals launch missiles at a US Navy destroyer, missiles provided by Iran, probably made in China. North Korea continues development of a nuclear weapon and an ICBM. Russia bombs insurgents in Syria; Russian naval forces return to the Mediterranean; Russian intelligence personnel return to Cuba. China pressures Japan on islands in the East China […]

Arias on Politics: Alienable Rights

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. – Preamble to the Declaration of Independence It’s time to choose. Despite all the noise, the choice between the two […]

Arias Speaks: Maxwell Taylor, Sam Malone, and the Establishment

General Maxwell Taylor, a great combat soldier who became a horrible Washington DC general, brought the theory of proportional response to our national security. He convinced the Kennedy and Johnson administrations of its merit and they embraced it – Vietnam was partly the result. The essence of the theory is that when some other country […]

Arias on Politics: A Man (and Woman) for One Season

Would you vote for a candidate who said: “I personally believe the following is wrong, but I’ll do it anyway if you vote for me!” In an Oscar winning performance from 1966, a hero states that: “…when statesmen forsake their own private conscience for the sake of their public duties, they lead their country by […]

Arias Speaks: Deplorable and Stupid

Editor’s Note: The famed orator and philosopher Arias joins us this morning to point out some foibles of the Ruling Class- widely acknowledged by themselves as the smartest people in the room. See what you think. Vic Arias Speaks: Deplorable and Stupid Mrs. Clinton, in a statement she later retracted (though one suspects with some […]

Arrias Speaks: Terror – Again

After the most recent (multiple) terror attacks several commentators were quick to point out that the process from ‘explosion to arrest’ took less than 48 hours and that this demonstrated the great strides made since 2001. The action of the various police and investigative organizations in identifying and tracking down the suspects was excellent police […]

US Foreign Policy: Off the Rails

A recent commentary opined that, if elected, President Trump must find ‘qualified’ people for key positions; that only a few on his team have the necessary credentials. Another article lauded Mrs. Clinton’s foreign policy acumen, experience and inside knowledge. This was compared to Mr. Trump’s inexperience and lack of inside knowledge, concluding that Mrs. Clinton […]