Category: DailySocotra

Morning Got Broken!

(Virginia morning, Dog Holler image courtesy Arrias). The crowd was afire on a magnificent morning. One of the Interns had her phone and showed us the incoming from Tidewater down the road. None of the rest of us were smart enough to have our phones with us- a result of having to go through Security […]

The American Century, Part Two

“In the history of the world, never has a nation come into power, wealth and world influence as rapidly as the United States in the 20th century. The “American Century,” as some historians have labeled it, saw a union of states that had almost split apart in the 1860s rise to world power status and […]

The American Century, Part One

Splash was agitated. The warm spell that accompanied the tornedo outbreak that swept across five states had everyone a little on edge, since Melissa has family out there. It was close enough to some of them that a short drive could have taken them to see the devastation in Mayfeld, Kentucky. If the roads were […]

Getting Back to Normal

DeMille is the de facto leader of the Writer’s Section at Socotra House. He had done the rounds with Legal, HR and Management in the morning and was back by the Fire Ring. He was now attempting to keep the group focused on the mission statement posted over the lintel of the door to the […]

Living in the Great Society

(Thin sheets of pulp paper spliced together in booklet format were part of the trash Splash brought along on his life journey. He claims to have purchased this odd collection in 1966. He also claims to recognize the figure pointing at America, now largely unknown). We had some great kids visit the Farm yesterday. They […]

Gandy Dancers

(Gandy Dancers at Work) Editor’s Note: This one takes me back across family records, ancient times and modern digital records. Bear with me- it is a screed of sorts, but a way to approach some of the turmoil abroad in this fair land that recognizes some of the history being erased. – Vic It started […]

Modern Maskirovka

The Writer’s Section at Socotra House was working on a piece on the American Justice system. You know why. The media took three recent trials and turned them into prime-time entertainment, surrounded by a storm of opinion in full color and amplified with dramatic body-camera imagery. You will not be surprised that there was some […]

Thanking the Trooper

There was mild excitement at The Farm over a minor dental emergency. A large bite at an exquisite sandwich on a delightful crusty French loaf was the direct cause. The tiny sliver of something that crunched between jaws was the augur of trouble. Discussion around the Fire Circle veered from the need to hire 80,000 […]

Things That Soar

A note today that is briefer than Marlow’s tome yesterday morning about things we might remember as we stumble on towards the distant light. This one featured the strange tranquility of the heavens and the lure of public lucre. You can see that above. Sometimes there are nearly thirty of these big creatures, either perched […]

The People in Khakis

(Picture on top is of marchers yesterday in Your Nation’s Capitol. Lower left was last summer. Lower right is one taken of the hoax against a gubernatorial campaign in Virginia last month). “Activists disrupted rush-hour traffic around the U.S. Capitol on Tuesday to demand congressional action on a host of liberal issues, including climate change, […]