Category: DailySocotra

While the Giant Slept…

Twenty years ago my niece wrote me, asking for some details about Pearl Harbor. I happened to have some, not through living that morning, now eighty years ago. But because it was a place we lived for nearly five years. I wrote her back immediately, saying: “I am far too young to have any first […]

Socotra House Holiday Card

First up on the weekly production cycle was an insightful piece from Arrias on how we miscalculate things globally, and make goofy policy decisions e will all pay for. Well intentioned, mind you, which is why the Interns are tired at this time of the year. They have to take the “Footnote” signs out to […]

The CNN Effect

The CNN Effect has struck me several times over the past few weeks. Or last few years might be a better timeframe. The headline this morning was an extrapolation on the unusual Cuomo Brothers story. You know it- a popular primetime anchor talked to his brother to help him weather the storm of personal and […]

Counting Numbers

I always had a personal shorthand about traveling the world- “50 states, 40 countries!” was the usual later mantra, but there are a bunch more. I thought I would recount, just to see if there were more or less in that mystical round number. The Sates were only a bit of a challenge, since Mom […]

Neith: Goddess of the Hunt. And Me.

This is a story about a boat, so bear with me. It includes the modern manifestation of the Egyptian Goddess of the Hunt and record-setting ocean crossings. It only includes me for a few months, but it may have been a tipping point when something got in my blood and never could get rid of […]

Could “It” Be Happening “Again?”

“So, are they going to do it again?” Splash was cranky this morning, and his question was stated as fact. Loma was languid. “What do you mean by those two thoughts? You say “it,” and then you say “again.” What the hell are you talking about?” Splash thought for a moment, or at least gave […]

Weather Report: Storm Before the Calm?

DeMille looked up, already prepared for the Wednesday production meeting. The Salts and the lovely Melissa were grouped in various states of eager participation and a certain somnolence. “It is December,” he said gravely. People looked at one another with uncertainty. Some tried a smile. Others did not. “So, the Supreme Court is going to […]

Sailor, Red Sky at Morning

Sorry Gang. The morning missive got lost in what threatened to become a physical alteration between the Fire Ring and the coffee pot on the Loading Dock. The caffeine dispenser has few of the benefits of the ones back on the big decks we used to ride, and that got Splash going. We warned him […]

Skipping “Nu” and “Xi”

Mondays have always been a tough day for people shackled to the working world. We are fortunate that the Writer’s Section has a built-in antidote from the lives we used to live. One of our better scribblers hones a piece through the week, polishes it on Sundays, and provides finished copy for release as soon […]

The Guys We Grew Up With

The overnight digital harvest brought a remarkable series of authentic WWII images, carefully modified to reflect the original colors of the scenes of a massive conflict. It made me think of the pictures we grew up with. So here they are, in the original B&W… Copyright 2021 Vic Socotra