Category: DailySocotra


One of the great experiences in life is being part of a complex machine designed to do extraordinary things. A sublimation of “personal” interest to the unified mass of a good cause. We were arguing- no, “discussing” current affairs- down at the Loading Dock this morning. Climate change was one of the topics up first, […]

An Emotional Swirl

There was a lot of emotion swirling around yesterday. You may have felt it in a different way than the crowd down by the Loading Dock at Refuge Farm. It is understandable, for a variety of perfectly understandable reasons. DeMille produced a fascinating document that outlined the trauma of one of the Port Authority cops […]

Twenty, to the Minute

Tears are running this morning. Most of these anniversaries have passed with a solemn recollection of that morning, one in which the usual meeting was underway in a tower in the greenery by the river. And as the word spread of unusual events began to spread, our world shifted on its normal axis into something […]

Under a Swarming Sky

So, the morning is passing as they always do. At Refuge Farm, there were tears and sadness in the moment. There were more of those across this amazing land in this lovely awakening dawn. It will be crowded today in the special corner of Arlington National Cemetery, the one nearest the Pentagon. I used to […]

COVID Carnival

The local paper published some of the memories of the 9/11 attacks this morning. One of them was mine. It will stay with me as long as I live, as it will for all who experienced that morning and the aftermath. The knowledge and memory of it should be something we share on the […]

Lee Dismounts

Nope. The Writer’s Circle is not going to get dragged into any of the astonishing stuff that is going on today. We are at a mid-point, of sorts, between the celebration of the accomplishments of Labor last weekend and the remembrance of the horror that occurred on a lovely morning in Arlington not quite 20 […]

Weather Report: Sunny, Followed by Twisty Sky Things!

We ran one of Marlow’s observations from his aerie in the Coastal Empire this morning. He summed it up nicely, which is to say he described things happening in our great nation with a sense of uncertainty and doubt. Neither are particularly unusual in the free-for-all that attends our joyful American life, and why this […]

Indications and Warning

(This diagram reflects a process we used to use on a professional basis to understand how things were going on any given day. It was based on assumptions we used to think were important. A guy named Stanislav Petrov ignored them at work in 1983. Many of these have changed in meaning since we studied […]

Labor Day Short Take

There was an almost inadvertent editorial meeting this morning, the one we usually celebrate for the achievements of Labor in an economy in which we appear to be compensating a lot of folks for not working. That includes us, so we will leave it at that. The holiday meant we had decided to enforce quiet […]

Driving a Stick

It is the start of a long weekend. It is a bit odd as we settle into the post-career schedules, although we only pretend to work when it is useful. And the COVID precautions thing, since we are supposed to not pay attention to the mess in Afghanistan. But the House, Senate and the President […]