Category: DailySocotra

A List of Folly

Vic turned 70 this year, most of the way to the shrinking life expectancy in COVID times. In attempting to shrink the footprint of the eventual estate, several imposing piles of papers emerged. Most dealt with financial events from decades past. They yearn for treatment in the fire-pit out front of the modest home in […]

The Life of Lies

(A replica of the Field Marshal’s baton that belonged to Field Marshal Kesselring. It is part of a trove of imaginary recreations of objects from very bad times that seems to have a continuing market in these interesting times. It features in the tale of the Field Marshal’s Daughter, part of the introduction to a […]

Weather Report: Crime, Pork and Shootings

A pal sent a note this morning about crime in California. There apparently is a lot swirling around in the Golden State at the moment, and it is not all out on the Left Coast. Here in The Swamp it is about money to keep this labyrinth moving. Out there, Governor Newsom is subject to […]

Japanese athletes …. all psyched up for the Olympics ……..

It’s the baseball team, “Samurai japan”, that has been capturing the attention and hearts of the Japanese …. they beat arch-rival Korea last night and are set-up for the championship (Gold/Silver) game this weekend …. Team USA has also been doing well, and plays a wild-card game against Korea tonight, with the winner going to […]

Time Travel

(This is a somewhat deformed image captured from the weather deck of the USS Midway (CV-41) in 1978 or 1979. That I was able to capture it suggests the ship was orbiting somewhere awaiting tug support to enter port. It would likely have have been outside Yokosuka or Subic Bay, but I can’t tell you […]


The Writer’s Section is not confused this morning. They have abandoned that state in order to watch mine with clarity. Cause for that is clear. The contents of the Condo are arriving slowly down at Refuge Farm, box by anonymous box. Sorting them into the Three Piles is well underway. You know the piles. One, […]

Ranked Choice Voting

Author’s Note: The reality of life is at times complex. At the moment, unloading the condominium at the place that was my home for two decades interferes with normal activity. I was screening a load of notes and bills last examined some thirty years ago to determine if useful information might inadvertently be disclosed in […]

Weather Report

Considering the level of complexity in today’s world, this will be short and to the point.  It isn’t “all the money in the world,” not really. It is just the equivalent of arguing about two or three time the equivalent of the national budget of one of the most successful economies in human history. If you haven’t […]

Simmering Issues

This would be one of those “Winds of Change” features if I had the energy. It was a tough day for old people yesterday, an adventure in the world being born and the one to which we are starting to bid farewell.There is something happening in this wide and wonderful land, and to take note of […]

The Level of Interest

  It is a lovely morning in Virginia’s placid Piedmont. Night had been good, the full moon fading and a rare streak of a falling star brightening a night of changing weather. Rains also came overnight, and the greenery that surrounds us is shaking off moisture with determination. The Lady in Red on the flat-screen […]