Category: DailySocotra

The Super Chief

It is a holiday weekend. Marlow started us off this morning with an account of train travel. Many of us ride something like the rails in our clustered cities. “Light rail,” they tell us, a replacement for the old heavy-gauge universal track that opened our land before the arrival of the automobile and the superhighway. […]

Chinese Cooking

Socotra House LLC relies on an extensive network of alert readers to report on the disparate reports from around the globe. China insiders claimed the top Counterintellignce officer in the PRC was the “Source” identified by the Defense Intelligence Agency as an authority on the origin of the COVID virus. His name- “Dong Jingwei-” was […]

Weather Report: A Season of Good Ideas

Ah, a Wednesday in Virginia’s gentle Piedmont! The skies are mostly clear, and the Lady in Red assures us we will only scrape the bottom of triple-digit temperatures later. Nice robust humidity. Summer. There is other stuff going on, of course. We are awash in it, like the cash flooding out of the Treasury. Did […]

Talking to Oz

Retirement is sort of crazy. No people concealed behind curtains to blame. The Writer’s Section, a component of Socotra LLC’s Production Department, reporting to the Editorial Board, supervised by Legal, Compliance and HR at the morning meeting, contributes hard-hitting but mildly ironic items for mass consumption. You know, take the weekend items of interest and […]

Spiral Staircase

Author’s Note: One of the Interns woke up, looked at the draft list for publication, and became anxious. “Don’t you know this controversial stuff is supposed to go in the ‘Winds of Change’ tab on the website and not sent out to otherwise innocent readers?” The Writers Group was already out to lunch. Our apologies. […]

Meeting Bambi

We are a couple days into summer. Weather is a little crazy- they are saying record warmth in the Pacific Northwest, which has people alarmed, since that is the state we are used to now. Here in the Piedmont of Virginia it is actually cool enough for a sweater in the morning. Both unusual. We […]

Footnotes Demo

We were going to have an Editorial Board Meeting this morning. That would justify a lot of activity that might be of marginal use, would keep stuff flowing in the pipeline we can deny later, and make us feel good with the idea that the enterprise will continue to shamble forward. You know, the way […]

Marlow’s Normal

Editor’s Note: Marlow chips in from his position on a sun-drenched but temperate Summer day on the East Coast. He covers a topic we are all still dealing with- getting back to “normal” after our chaotic Pandemic year. To a degree, we are all doing that. Here at Refuge Farm, Microsoft kindly dropped me a […]

The New Crisis

I have avoided claiming any expertise on the COVID pandemic. I am not a medical specialist, nor an epidemiologist. That said, I do have some unique experience to apply to all this, since I happened to be working on an unrelated project for the Secretary of Health and Human Services late in 2001 though my […]

Champagne Solstice

This is Jim Champagne’s day. I know Birthing Person Nature would quibble with that, but she is busy. I know it is the observation of the change of season, the alleged Summer Solstice, but as far as I am concerned, it belongs to Jim. He was the de facto Dad at the Amen Corner, and […]