Category: DailySocotra

Do the Strand

The Strand Hotel, Yangon “It is not power that corrupts but fear. Fear of losing power corrupts those who wield it and fear of the scourge of power corrupts those who are subject to it.” – Aung San Suu Kyi Editor’s Note: There is another challenge to the New Administration in Washington, which is a […]


It is a noun, you know? Some would use it in the traditional English manner to describe a second crop species, also known as a “rowen,” according to our pals at Merriam-Webster. We watched Punxsutawney Phil from his lair atop Gobblers Knob this morning. His handlers say the first cut on our lawn rowen is […]

When Memes Collide

I am sure you have seen the meme that circulated wildly after the Inauguration on 20 January. Bernie, the benevolent socialist, attended the ceremony in mask and bright knitted mittens. He lent his iconic views of a new socialist America in his attire, which featured sensible warmth, knitted mittens and a hidden smile. We think. […]

Snow & FISA

This is a fabulous morning! I have to attribute part of my emotional zeitgeist to the snow, of course. This causes all sorts of contrary thoughts. I was a snow kid growing up. In Michigan, the snow came around Thanksgiving and was with us until the beginning of April. Depending on what the weekend might […]

Marlow’s Waiting

Editor’s Note: I am lucky to be with you this morning on Marlow’s side of things. These days it is hard to tell. – Vic Waiting in line looking back at a world of visions Inside and outside of Savannah’s vaccine site at the Alee Shriners Temple Author’s Note: As I waited Friday afternoon at […]

Common Sense

(Mt. Pony, former entrance. Photo USG) Before lighting up a last smoke of the day, my attention was drawn to that bright star that hangs due east, just above the trees. Like you, the news of sights in the sky this winter has been entertaining and provided minutes of educational entertainment. The unusual juxtaposition of […]

Swamp Postcard: Showing Support

Off we go! The first full week of the Biden Administration is now history. It was pretty cool. There have been around thirty Executive Orders issued from the White House. I would be in deep kimchi if I tried to summarize them all, plus there is a proposal to re-organize the Supreme Court outside that […]

More Things That Change

This is in the form of a letter-to-the-editor from prolific contributor Marlow. I made a stab at looking at things that have some sort of enduring change in a great country. It is difficult to address for some of the reasons that have risen from The Change, and they are quite startling. I read an […]

Things That Changed

A year ago the COVID came, or more accurately, the reaction to it. Now, it sounds like one of those English folk songs we were subjected to back in the 1960s. At the time, the concern was starting to spread wildly. You recall when lockdowns happened, indoor dining was restricted, and bars closed. Salons, too, […]

The Religious Wars

It is gray this morning at the farm, seasonal chill, clouds. They say rain and snow later, which drives a schedule that includes moving large bundles of split logs. Country living has some things that call out in memory- like, what to expect from the world on that day. It’s funny. The weather is another […]