Category: DailySocotra

Wild Excitement! Frabjous Day! Caloo, Calay!

Oh, OK. So maybe it is not that way where you are. There is some other stuff going on I am trying to capture in the Swamp Postcard series. But that isn’t near resolution yet. I have issues pending, some of them for quite a while. With the help of an experienced software engineer, I […]

The Hallmark Channel and the Chamberlin Rock

The news has been spectacular this week, regardless of which of the two major narratives you prefer. Both inspire emotion, or at least attempt to do so. The current President’s legal team promised last week to release The Kraken, and had a long press conference to outline its ominous shadow. The Media managed to characterize […]

The Wine Dark Sea (Bacon Wrapped)

Editor’s Note: The bunker here at Refuge Farm is starting to look…oh, hell, it is looking cozy. That is what the Notary said when I spent most of Tuesday signing pieces of paper to refinance the place. I hope the slightly lower costs for whatever it is that is to come. What follows was another, […]

STRESS and the Jubilee

(This sentiment from 1973 Detroit echoes today. Copyright Detroit Free Press). Well, it is a relief that the controversy is done. Stress is much reduced out here on a sunny country day. Former Vice President Joe Biden has assumed the Office of the Vice President Elect. Fox News told me so, and it is a […]

Swamp Postcard: Narratives Grind On!

The delights of another week of the endless election! Much merriment here in the Old Dominion as we deal with the future of the nation we all love. There were promises that the Kraken would be loosed this week. That was from the Trump narrative that big new truths would be unleashed that would overturn […]


(DC demonstration on Saturday. The Presidential motorcade paid a visit). I am writing this morning with a heavy heart. I was wrong in a crucial prediction. Don’t be alarmed. I stand by my previous predictions of a significant Trump win at midnight on election day. I was right. It was not until the votes flipped […]

Extraordinary Layers

(The Mayflower at anchor, 1620). No blast this morning, unless it is the faint echo of something that happened four hundred years ago on a creaky sailing ship in a chill New England fall. The Mayflower. The Compact that identified a company of free people doing something new. Not like that 1619 nonsense designed to […]

Swamp Postcard: Aftermath

God, I never thought we would see a spectacle like this. In the aftermath of the strange election, we are seeing court challenges orchestrated through state courts and federal benches. It is exciting to watch this play out! It is a new form of Democracy, right here in America. The media coronation of the new […]


Gentle Readers, Some thoughts from a pal on the 11th… Armistice November 11th is now referred to as Veteran’s Day. But it’s worth remembering that it all began as Armistice Day, on the first anniversary of the Armistice of November 11th, 1918, which brought to a close the horrible spectacle of World War I. The […]

Armistice Day and Arlington

After a glorious week of Autumnal beauty, we are back to rain on a special day. I doubt that many schools teach the hypnotic old line about ending the biggest and most destructive conflict in human history. Well, at least until the next one happened. But the thing about The Great War was that it […]