Category: DailySocotra

Morning Without Warning

(From the Cowboy State Daily out in the Square State out West. The Antlers Ranch woodland with trophy fishing streams and rugged hills, courtesy Latham Jenkins of Live Water Properties. Ann invitation of sorts, not an advisory).. We succumbed to sleep around the time the warning- the ballyhoo’ed NOTAM of yesterday- clicked into effect. It […]

Cards we Are Dealt & Mood of the Day

A neighbor is a Marine Vet and stopped at the picnic table on his way in from the car in the lot. He does contracting now, providing necessary on-demand skills useful in times of crisis. He was talking about some of the places- locations- where he has recently been called to work. Some are apparently […]

That Was the Week That Was!

Morning, Gentle Readers! There could be good news! Maybe. As you are aware, this has been one of the craziest news weeks we have ever seen at this picnic table. Or any other picnic table we have had the chance to occupy. There may actually be some good news in the mess, or at least […]

Mild Concern

Sorting things out on a Tuesday is always a challenge, as you well know. We had been talking to a fellow yesterday at the tobacco hut while on the stock-up swing. He was interesting. He had started his life in a place called Yemen, a place we knew and which owns Great Socotra Island. and […]

Coming Ashore Shopping Alert

Bear with us for a sec. We have to work the counter-messaging angle on this information torrent. International, Domestic, all that stuff is peaking like the waves coming ashore in a storm surge. Creative Section Leader DeMille got us in trouble with Socotra House Management last week about conveying a ‘sense of alarm.’ We forget […]

Storm Clouds

We started this morning with a marvelous road report about America in the last few weeks. It conained not only an account of some of the ordinary wonders we take for granted in this fine land, but also the assorted treasure of friendship, family and life itself. We prefer to start the new week with […]

Aces and Eights

We had anticipated a longer appreciation featuring that woman in the upper left of the poker hand held by wild Bill Hickok immediately before his violent saloon ambush murder. He is on the right. Hannah Arendt is the philosopher on the left, though probably interpreted as on the right these days. Her quote is worth […]

Thermodor & Interrobang

It was swarm of data yesterday, dumped in lumps into a ripe August day warm-tinged with moisture under bright sun and clouds that danced gently over Big Pink’s placid pool. The Salts, some still wet from immersion, were arrayed in general loose order, some still in the java phase of the morning and others already […]

Iran-Israel: Dramatic Response Expected 12-13 August 2024

Item in brief: Iran attack on Israel likely within Two Weeks. Massive country-wide rocket and air strikes expected with land incidents on/around Golan Heights possible. Highest point of vulnerability after sunset on 12 August though activity near onset possible for effect. Validity: High generally, though not actionable by private citizens. Reasons for the alert is […]

Direct & Dramatic Response

So, this was about as dramatic as storm clouds get in this life. But not off the top this morning. The dancing messages start the litany of vectors to them. We were told about the biggest US-Russia prisoner swap since the Cold War, more gold medals for the US, and more. The top of the […]