Category: DailySocotra

Happy Birthday, America!

This morning’s blast is not about our opinion on what the messaging is all about, since that confusion is what we are trying to figure out based on the messaging itself, not any criticism of the figures involved in what the messaging is about. Rather, it is an attempt to follow how and why the […]

Long Marchers

Editor’s Note: The work-up to the Annual Commemoration of our Day of Independence. The Framers had declared something of the sort yesterday, 248 years ago, but the formal Declaration was still in preparation for one of he great adventures not in our history, but that of the world. A documents project was underway here as […]

Which River? What Sea?

You have heard the phrase. It is, from a messaging perspective, a pretty good one. It is brief, succinct, and can mean just about anything you would like it to mean, with the last line having a word that rhymes with “sea,” since “Ocean” wouldn’t work. We are a little disorganized, since that is not […]

An Abbreviated Daily

Our thanks and appreciation for those who wade through the Socotra Dailies! This morning, we ran a fine piece from Arrias that commemorates one of America’s bloodiest battles at Gettysburg with a situation report from the current conflict in Ukraine. So, with the Supreme Court expected to issue the last of this year’s decisions at […]

Ball of Confusion

The Temptations, Detroit’s legendary Motown vocal group, summed it up best for this morning in their tune “Ball of Confusion!” They claimed that’s what the world is, today. The leadership of one of the major parties seems to be in that position as well, with a possible decision on whether the candidate they support ought […]

From the Debate to the Bench…

How do we start the weekend that book-ends one of our favorite holidays? The one we celebrate our Independence from foreign tyranny? We were going to talk extensively about the end of the Decision Season at the SCOTUS this morning, but it is not yet over. One of the major cases- one involving the people […]


The Court is wrapping up Decision Season with some decisions that have a significant impact on the way our Government has become accustomed to operating. And there is a little more on the surreal Debate performance last night. We will keep it short, and apologize for the intrusion. We try to only bother you once […]

Weather Report: Debate & The Court

You can imagine the blank looks around the picnic table at the morning Production Meeting. The Debate is tonight, and a modicum of suspense wafted from the steaming mugs of Chock Full O’ Nuts. There had been two topics under discussion. The “Debate” thing has been a matter of some extended duration since the surprising […]

Digging Through Debris

Morning, All! There is a cascade of “news” this morning as we prepare for some actual news to come today and tomorrow. Those include some of the SCOTUS decisions that will affect the great power struggle about the next official to head the Government of the United States, and the debate between the two leading […]

A New Gen X

Tough morning, since the Salts were out of shape due to strange dreams. Not nightmares, or t least not exactly. They reflected some of the wild discussion that commenced the new week that is likely to produce controversy and emotion about the events to come in this unfolding historic year. They were framed by the […]