Category: DailySocotra

Rambler Show, Day 2

Day 1 was such a blast down in Petersburg that we tried to extend our reservation for another night. Too no avail, so we will head back over to the National Tractor and Truck Museum for a pass through the perking lot to see what the new day has brought forth. More on that tomorrow! […]

Rambler Rambling

The American Motors Owners Association is holding its annual get together this year in Petersburg, just south of Richmond. They celebrate the cars Dad used to help design in the wild tail-fin era of the 1950s. This is the sort of designs he contributed: Anyway, this is a year of transitions. Mom, Dad and Sister […]

12 June 24 Weather Report

Morning, Gentle Readers! The weekly report is not “weakly” presented! There is more Law Fare news bursting out all over! With the Trump verdict reverberations signifying the mixed results on that front, the news shifted to the matter of the Hunter Biden affair up in Delaware. It is hard to follow the intricacies of this […]

Meanwhile, Across the River…

There were celebrations in progress yesterday on both banks of the Potomac Rivers broad and inexorable flow. It divides things in terms of mood. On the West bank, just up the Hill from the gray-brown-sometimes blue waters there was joy and relief. The joy sprang from the successful celebration of another orbit around the sun […]

The Anti-Freeze Age

10 June 1951 (Image from the 2006 movie “The Meltdown,” the second of the “Ice Ages” series. The plots were based on the breakdown of the ice dam that kept Lake Agassiz bonded inside the great glaciers of the Laurentide, in the North American continent. The dam broke 15,000 years ago and a giant flood […]

World Ocean Carnival

Old Salts (Russian Warships Resurface in Chittagong After 50-Years). The Salts were energized, since there is a morning topic some of us actually understand. DeMille got them quiet at the Production Meeting of thew Writer’s Section. “Three Russian warships are making their way to the Chittagong port in Bangladesh. It is one of several naval […]

WER’s Sketchbook of How Design Happens, 1956

Author’s Note: This is a short edition that doesn’t meet Daily standards but doesn’t represent art as much as the technology involved in attempting to awaken and old computer by: Finding a suitable charging cord on Amazon, which was delivered almost before I ordered it. Then charging the old box, and exploring how many 32-character […]

Messaging About Trouble

(L- FBI Director Chris Wray before Congress, R- George Orwell before all of us). DeMille had hoped the weekend would bring some relief to his day-job. He had three manila folders on the white picnic table on The Patio near the rear entrance to the Socotra headquarters. The Arlington skies were clear, and there was […]

The Nature of Normal

The Writer’s Section at Socotra House was ready for the weekend even if we still had a full day to prepare for it. That is normal, though there are some indications that change is on the way. Vic had an article about the impact of the new D-E-I standards applied to all aspects of American […]

The Last Parade

There is both a lot and a little in progress this week. You can see the ambiguity in the jumble of assorted information bullets above. Congress is back in session, so none of us, including Dr. Fauci are completely safe. So we could lurch into some of the tumultuous strands, or pay attention to something […]