Category: DailySocotra

A Day Between Victories

This is a day between. There are several events we commemorate, others at which we marvel, and others unfolding to an uncertain future. In this moment, we have declared a minor victory in creativity. We think we have found a break point in this saga of America’s march toward an uncertain future. The manuscript to […]

From the Sea, Back to the River

To be clear, the Sea we are talking about is the Mediterranean, and the River refers to the Potomac that flows at the end of Route 50 in front of the Socotra HQ at Big Pink in Your Nation’s Capital. Faithful author Arrias thankfully spared the Socotra Writer’s Section the effort of generating a thoughtful […]

Confections in Our View

(Cast of the popular television show “The View.” one of them, renowned actress and active social commentator Whoopi Goldberg, made perceptive comments on legal affairs. Low-resolution screen-capture image from ABC used only for non-commercial identification purposes). DeMille wasn’t directly appointed to be our Writers Section leader, but he has become our de facto Chief because […]

First of June

(Former Vice Chief of Naval Operations Robert “Bob” Burke. Official Navy photo). This bright morning, Legal had their Intern come down with a Memo from Jasper, our chief Legal Beagle. It is a weekend, so he did not want to come to the office, and you can imagine anyone with a nose in the maelstrom […]

When the Verdict Came In…

There was an altercation in the morning Production Meeting. Not fisticuffs, mind you, but farily intense compared to the usual sessions when we are still waking up. Section Leader DeMille had been determined to keep things in order and produce an accurate, semi-amusing and semi-non-biased account for the morning product dealing with the developments in […]

What’s Coming in Court(s)

(We asked the Art Department for a snazzy graphic to top the story this morning. She took a picture of the book she had been assigned for her course on student preparation in California. It is from the staff of the Chief Justice of their Supreme Court, not ours. The ‘activities for kids’ has apparently […]

Freaks and Legal Geeks

(Cartoonist Gilbert Shelton, now 85, created the Freak Brothers more than 40 years ago. He may appreciate today’s rambling reality as bettering those of his boys). There is the start of a full-blown ‘freakout’ over the endless election campaign. It is striking in this short week after the solemn holiday that celebrated our Fallen. There […]

Vietnam’s Back on Track

Author’s Note: We had intended to launch the new book, “A Little Traveling Music” this morning. Despite anguished conversations with Production in Bangalore, India, we did not accomplish publication today. Instead, we offer a segment of the new book that is a newer compilation derived from another project in motion, which is the free-wheeling memoirs […]

Trial Runs

“Chechen Shot While Surveilling Special Ops Soldier’s North Carolina Home” Disclaimer: The opinions expressed by contributors are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of US Fleet Forces Commander Admiral Daryl Caudle is the leader down at the World’s Largest Naval Base in Norfolk. He took the Memorial Day break to announce […]

17 Hours In Iran

(Rescuers carry a body from the fallen helicopter that carried President Ebrahim Raisi in NW Iran. Photo credit: Azin Haghighi/MOJ News Agency, via Agence France-Presse-Getty Images) It is a solemn holiday of remembrance today. We remind ourselves each year of the sacrifice given by mostly young people over the years our nation has stood as […]