Category: DailySocotra

Yangtze Patrol

Memorial Day 2024 Memorial Day is the day we stop and think about the 1,355,000 Soldiers, Sailors, Marines, Airmen, and Coast Guardsmen who have died while in service to the nation. But, one of the things about Memorial Day that always bothers me is that, while the Soldiers and Sailors and Airmen and Marines who […]

More Good Ideas…

(File image of Special Council Jack Smith) The Production Meeting of the Writer’s Section was done, copy filed and posted and the skies beckoned with something that looked a bit like the color “blue.” The Marketing and Legal Sections were taking the long weekend to amuse themselves with good ideas about activities of personal interest, […]

Upside Down & Appeal to Heaven

So, it is the beginning of the Memorial Day weekend. one of the minor messaging streams in progress this morning was about other messages, some quite old in origin. The Salts had dug up a fascinating string about USS Harder, an American submarine of note that was lost in World War iI. She went down […]

Weather Report: Jupiter Visits Gemini

We could keep this a little shorter by simply waving our calloused hands at the screen over there by the backdoor to The patio. “All that stuff on the slide is going on.” Then we could pour another morning cup of java, or whatever that stuff Splash drinks in the morning. He claims Congress just […]

What the Hell is Nvidia?

Socotra’s Top Stories Today In the run-up to America’s presidential election, we’ve continued the Socotra tradition of producing a daily update to help you keep on top of the political stories that matter. Management insists on production of a Daily, for reasons they attribute to something they call “continuity of operations.” We shrugged, having already […]

Things Will Be Newer Tomorrow…

(The Socotra House Legal Section made an appearance! Intern Kit is out with her supervisors). We were hoping to launch the new book with a formal announcement this morning and a brief flashy presentation by Meat from the Marketing section. He did not come, and asked Legal to send a small team to make a […]

A Little Traveling Music

Casting off Lines on a Book Launch This morning there is a ‘waxing gibbous moon’ with a hint of chill out on The Patio. You know the drill. It was early enough for the collision of those Salts still coming in from overnight activities and those who had collapsed early and were ready to start […]

What Happened in Iran?

(Iranian Air Force Bell 412 Helicopter. Image courtesy This messaging was just in over the last two news cycles. We don’t claim to fully understand it. Old Salt Jake leaned across the picnic table, placing his tablet aside his plate of scrambled eggs. He pointed down at the glowing screen and said: “I’ve been […]

WER Sketches 1944-1965

Morning, Gentle Readers! We have an experiment here. This is an outline of the book after the current book, which is in progress while we prepared for printing and release of the newest book- “A Little Traveling Music.” We are excited about that, but of course other stuff flew around while trying to capture some […]

Signs of the Times

Author’s Note: This commentary accompanies the initial public release of the “WER” Sketchbook, a project that attempts to capture someof the extraordinary work from The Greatest Generation who faced challenges that must have appeared (to them) as large as the ones that confront us today. So, forgive us. We are publishing “A Little Traveling Music” […]