Category: DailySocotra

Willy’s Sketches, 1944-45

(Here, the Navy’s Aviation Cadets- the AvCads- are planning for their final exercise in aerial navigation in 1944 before graduation and award of their Wings of Gold). Morning, Gentle Readers! Splash brought out some ancient pictures this morning and plopped them down under the high cirrus clouds streaking the pale optimistic blue of heaven.. The […]

From Nine to Eight

We could go a couple of directions this morning. The New York Real Estate ruling against a former Chief Executive has a lot of folks consternated, since no one in the jury-less trial would have stipulated a fine near a half-billion dollars and intended only to penalize the presumptive nominee in an election year. That […]

Fruit of a Crazy Week

(This image was created as a template for a patch intended to commemorate the large annual military exercise in the Korean Republic. It was known as “Team Spirit,” and is still vigorously conducted, partly as a reasonable preparation and partly as a declaration of earnest will to the Current Kim to the north. The artist […]

Sheriff Jones of Butler County

(Sheriff Jones of Butler County, OH, as depicted by Opinions expressed in this piece do not necessarily represent those of Socotra House LLC or independent content contributors). Sheriff Richard K. Jones is a Boomer from Butler County, Ohio. Some of us have been attempting to retrieve some of our Ohio heritage, something that has […]

A Day in February

Morning- or afternoon!- from here in Arlington, Virginia. We are entertaining, hosting a luncheon here in Big Pink. Accordingly, we won’t talk about the special election in New York to replace that Soros fellow. We will not mention the big Russian landing ship the Ukrainians put under water off a former piece of their country […]

(Are You Ready For) Fat Tuesday?!

(Disclaimer: any material appearing here is used in low-resolution for identification purposes only under Fair Use terms defined in US Code. Information is provided on a “use at own risk” basis since the First Amendment provisions on Free Speech appear to have been superseded in some jurisdictions on a general basis and thus inapplicable. Other […]

Bookends at the Bowl

Views expressed by contributors do not necessarily reflect the views of Socotra House LLC management or independent contracting staff. It should not be relied upon for legal, medical, political or financial counsel unless you take the same chances as the rest of us. So, was the six-thirty kick-off at the Big Game an acknowledgment that […]

Super Something

We spent the first twenty minutes of the always abbreviated Sunday Staff Meeting trying to figure out the single most important event of a drizzling Sunday. No, it wasn’t about trying to figure out where the moisture was coming from. It might be the remnants of the big Vortex in the jet stream that deluged […]


We went direct to overload this morning. There was a series of unlikely events that came to full-boil yesterday. There are at least two wars in progress, in “U – – – – – e” and “G – – a,” and we may be in another in the R – d S – a. You […]

A Well-Meaning Chyron

The Legal Department at Socotra House sent us a memo, saying the disclaimer should be inserted someplace near the top of the Daily Distribution (TM) so that our distinguished readers are enabled to make responsible decisions on reading. All the information on this transmission and on our host website: at The Writer’s Section makes […]