Category: DailySocotra

Let’s Get Ready!

You know the traditional dilemma for participants in the literary production game. Here we are, end of the week in the end of a year. It is not quite over, so you needn’t throw anything to get our attention. There has been talk for weeks on the matter at hand would be how to handle […]

Coming Attractions

The Writer’s Section at Socotra House LLC was apprehensive this morning. Well, we are often in that transitional state where one thing could indeed lead to something else. So, we have been watching that, but with direct association with Pirates and Zombie, large well fed fowl and friendly potatoes, and then a rising chorus of […]

A Box For Saint Stephen

Boxing Day is something you have run across in this holiday season. Not to fall over it exactly, though that is possible, but rather something seems logical and fairly prim in execution. We talked about it after the brief stuff we can put back up near that Elf. He is the one who gets mostly […]

A Town by the Manger

We were stuck for ideas this morning. We had those old notes from the 1989 Med Cruise on USS Forrestal (CV-59). It was an odd cruise for its times, just as this holday currently sweeping over us has some moments we would just as soon forget outright. We had looked back at the Cruisebook junk […]

Why George Picked Three

Finding the above image was what Splash brought to the Production Meeting. He liked it because of the bold nature of post-publication speculation in 1947. It is an understandable result, since that is the only model his generations hd to work with. To his credit, George was a product of what fate delivered to the […]

Weather Report: Living Is Easy

Yep. we are officially in winter. One of the meteorological boffins bounded onto the Patio yesterday to announce the official arrival of the winter solstice. There were a couple glance around the motley crew of Salts, most of whom had experienced the Solstice Blues delivered by the legendary Jim Champaige when someone said “longest” or […]

River and Sea

(We are driving from the River (one of them) back down to the Sea in 1989 or early 1990). This morning we had one of those little pastiche accounts of visits to odd places at times when there was a lot going on. We have bored you before with the mild tingle when our Air […]

The Deliberative Body

This is a curious morning in your nation’s Capital. We wrote a brief appreciation of that event this morning with the intent to describe it with a humorous approach about how our public servants reward the taxpayers with their private conduct. This one happened in the Hill’s Senate Hart Building. We would have to run […]

A Holiday, a Holiday

(The late great Sandy Denny of the folk-rock band Fairport Convention). There is plenty to yammer on about this morning and we are not going to do it. This is a time of transformation, and we could raise our voices about matters like “Section-702!” or attorney-privilege. You’re lucky to be where you are, safe from […]

Friday Frolic

Thanks for letting us join you this splendid morning. The mid-Atlantic Coast of America is attempting to get a bit warmer as near the lunch hour. There is the list of Holiday things remaining to be done atop the old cabinet from the family general store that closed a few dozen crises ago. So, Holiday […]