Category: DailySocotra

Turkey Travel

9,604 cancelled is one of the phrases being worked on this morning by senior officials. That is, Gentle Reader, scheduled jet flights by major carriers for which the Department of Transportation Security is responsible. Not the production of the jets themselves, that being a different sort of thing, mind you. Many of our citizens are […]

“Breaking News!”

From Socotra House LLC! This Just In! Tuesdays are really the first real contribution to the Weather Report sit-down session. That is where we pick the threads unfolding for their continuity across the end of the week. The goals is to collect the stories with the impact to actually affect the course of social and […]

Make It a Thousand!

It was a Saturday was riddled with discontinuities. There was a disconcerting fact that floating up by the fire ring and we don’t know how to deal with it gracefully. Let’s get the whole troubling thing out of the way. The issue is about M’s this week, so let’s dispense with that business first. The […]

Weather Forecast: Holiday Lights Looming!

All right! Only a year to go until that election thing! We are trying to get organized, since there has been a flurry of the smaller holidays lately, the ones that serve to prepare us for the Big Ones. Like today- there are 15 special days for the 18th alone, including celebration of the Battle […]

Nellie Bly Beats Some 55-Gallon Drums

(The image above is of author and Stunt Reporter Elizabeth Cochran Seaman, circa 1916). We have been looking at her remarkable life this week because her pen-name became a real one in our Family. She was widely known as “Nellie Bly,” a name taken from an old Stephen Foster song. Elizabeth made her name by […]

Around the World With Nellie Bly

Nellie Bly was a journalism pioneer, not just for women, but for all reporters. She had burst into the public view with her account of ten days in a mental asylum for women. But in 1889, another one of her projects attracted even more attention: a trip around the world by train, steamship, rickshaw, horse […]

Ten Days in the Mad-House

(Elizabeth Cochran Seaman at rest in Mexico in 1885, and before she became a false mad-woman and then world traveler. This is how our family borrowed her pen-name “Nellie Bly” for our Elizabeth, who carried the name all of her life- and ours!) All right, we want to continue the story of how the greatest […]

Meeting Nelly Bly

(This is the real Nelly Bly, circa 1887, whose real name was Elizabeth Cochran Seaman. She was an Pennsylvania adventurer with whom we thought we shared DNA until this morning!) Morning, Gentle Readers! The Chairman was stunned this morning and burst into the Production Meeting with unexpected verve and energy. We are not kidding on […]

War No More

Busy morning here in Arlington on both sides of the big river. They are active on Capitol Hill on a variety of topics, including calls for impeachment for a few Administration personalities. We have been through this fairly frequently of late, so it may be time to put down our burdens and do a little […]

Trey’s Helmet

Well, here we are. We have advanced to the Holy Day in this week and are feeling satisfied with the accomplishment. We noted successful. sustained respiration through all the other days, and we are confident in our ability to move forward. Thankfully there is no work out there lurking to be accomplished. We are thankful […]