Category: DailySocotra

Ten Days in the Mad-House

(Elizabeth Cochran Seaman at rest in Mexico in 1885, and before she became a false mad-woman and then world traveler. This is how our family borrowed her pen-name “Nellie Bly” for our Elizabeth, who carried the name all of her life- and ours!) All right, we want to continue the story of how the greatest […]

Meeting Nelly Bly

(This is the real Nelly Bly, circa 1887, whose real name was Elizabeth Cochran Seaman. She was an Pennsylvania adventurer with whom we thought we shared DNA until this morning!) Morning, Gentle Readers! The Chairman was stunned this morning and burst into the Production Meeting with unexpected verve and energy. We are not kidding on […]

War No More

Busy morning here in Arlington on both sides of the big river. They are active on Capitol Hill on a variety of topics, including calls for impeachment for a few Administration personalities. We have been through this fairly frequently of late, so it may be time to put down our burdens and do a little […]

Trey’s Helmet

Well, here we are. We have advanced to the Holy Day in this week and are feeling satisfied with the accomplishment. We noted successful. sustained respiration through all the other days, and we are confident in our ability to move forward. Thankfully there is no work out there lurking to be accomplished. We are thankful […]

Sammy’s Niece

(487th Bomb Group crew poses with their B-24 Sammy’s Niece). It is a little strange for a Holiday to come on a Saturday, a known Day Off, but that is the calendar. This was the day in 1918 when the fighting came to an end. In the First Big One, anyway. The horror of what […]

Monkey Business

Author’s Note: We were going to just wish the Marines in the crowd a “Happy Birthday” this morning. They are 248 years old, institutionally, this morning and they make us all a little proud. My son and I share experience with Marine Drill Instructors, though neither of us were members of the Corps. A special […]

Let’s Take a Vote!

There was a vote heldyesterday, and they called it a “General Election,” though we did not recognize the General Officer for whom we voted. There were some startling results in the voting and some others that were not. Considering the social tumults in process outside the polling station, it evoked all sorts of emotion. We […]

Moderate Seasonal Change

Goodness! We have entered into that transitional period in the calendar here in Your Nation’s Capital! It could be mild or chilly. The skies above could be like the ones in the image below- steel gray with a dusting of moist snow. We have only two holidays to get through in the next few weeks. […]

Weather Report: War in the Middle East

So, good afternoon fellow campers! It is the weekend at last and we can luxuriate in the splendor of the weekend. There is more, of course. Antisemitism is sweeping our little town. There will be demonstrations today on the other side of the big river. The protests are wide-wide in scope and intensely, which is […]

What a Month!

It is Sunday, and we are just sitting here in the powered reclining chair looking at some remarkable stuff. The guy pictured below was elected Mayor of his little town and ruled his town through the combination of politics and religion. His Sunday job was as Minister of thee congregation of the local Baptist Church. […]