Category: DailySocotra

Constant Motion

This particular tale turned up in a search through the Korea Files. We had been looking for something about that strange Cyprus trip to insert in the manuscript for the book about Congressional Travel. Instead, we found ourselves seated at one of the battered stools at the Hamilton Hotel’s street front bar in Seoul, Republic […]

Long Marchers

Did you see the date on this one? I left it in there from the morning 22 years ago when the below account was first poked into the digital stream about a place called “China.” It was an attempt to capture a fresh recollection of a visit to one of those exotic places. This one […]

A Matter of Comprehension

I was getting low on the stream of data- information- and the Red Start Stream slows at that time of afternoon on the Potomac sliding through Cocktail Hour, dinner and the early call for bedtime in Switzerland while the activities of the still-busy day in Asia have other commentators living life rather than writing about […]

Noticing With Interest

The Salts on the patio were in an uproar, and you can imagine why. Word had floated out from the big five-sided Building on this side of the lazy brown river that the smaller alabaster building on the east side of the same Potomac might need our services again. We are aware of some of […]

Storming the Fortress

We have another of the month-long festivals to observe today, one of five this July alone. It has a curious bridge to another one on the list, which is a tribute to mental instability. It is called up specifically on this date among the 31 other options since it celebrates something specific on this one: […]

Moving Aboard Forrestal

I was happily lit up from the vodka I inhaled at the ritual Folks At The Railroad Track End of the Subdivision Happy Hour.” Two of us from the street were heading out to the Forrestal that night, so the gaiety was slightly muted by the realization that the crushing schedule was beginning to roll […]

Acting Out

It is funny to tread the steps we took to arrive at this place in our national history. There are a variety of issues flying about. One of them is the Deep State and how it works. It is funny to feel some old emotions come back these days. The ones most powerful were about […]

A Place For Iguanas

(US Navy image attached of the facility at GTMO, Cuba). There is some commotion out there in the wider world this morning. In Lithuania, the big NATO conference is underway. We don’t recall this much excitement about one of those since the last time the European alliance was blustering about Bosnia, and Russia’s attempt to […]

A Deep State Week

The Ukrainian President took a moment to observe the 500th day of the Special Military Operation being conducted in his nation over the weekend. The second-string commentators on Fox filled the air-waves both days with stories a day or so out of phase in the re-run stringss of shattered Ukrainian tanks. It made us think […]

On the Beach

There is a little wiggle room this morning in the Commonwealth of Virginia. Not that we are wiggling that dramatically. The Patio Space- once known as “The Lanai,” is not quite ready for that yet this morning, and the excesses of some in the evening hours last night is still playing out on the margins […]