Category: DailySocotra


  At 7:25 p.m. on May 6, 1937, the German airship Hindenburg was nearing the mooring mast at Lakehurst Naval Air station in New Jeesey. It was completing its flight across the Atlantic from Germany. Souls on Board were 36 passengers and 6l crew.   That is an astonishing ratio, if you think about it, […]

Hey Good Lookin

  I cannot write about the present today.   It is too ugly. The revelations of the treatment of the prisoners in Iraq sadden me. I think they are true, and what is more I believe it is deliberate and systematic.   It will breed more violence, and bring more recruits to the ranks of those who wish to […]

Self Starter

  It is hard to be a self starter. I am always worried about it, the starting.   Like this morning. It is the second day of a new job. The stress and the tension of showing up at someplace new is gone. I know where to go, I know how to get there and […]

Full Responsibility

  Thomas Hamill is free today, and that is the only good news I can think of this morning. I have a new job to start, a new universe of people to meet and remember. I got up earlier than usual to brew the coffee and puzzle my way through a new week.   It […]

Billions and Billions

  The big revolving door continues to turn. It is a comfort, since there is so much that looks like it is just going south on us. Four more of our kids are dead in Iraq, but I am listening to the early news.   The publicity debacle over the treatment of Iraqi detainees is […]

Pulling Out

  The President and the Vice President met with the 9-11 Commission yesterday with the predictable jokes going before, you know, the one’s about Mr. Cheney having his hand up the back of Mr. Bush’s shirt, playing Edgar Bergen to the President’s Charlie McCarthy.   But it didn’t seem to play out that way and […]

War Next Door

  They are opening the World War Two Memorial down on the Mall today. They have rushed the job because the veteran population is dwindling, and they want to let them see the tribute. That was the best news, since the rest of the batch contained more reports of the conflict in Iraq.   The […]


  It could be a day with a Pacific theme. If it was warmer I would don an aloha shirt to celebrate the Mutiny of Her Majesty’s Ship Bounty in 1789, and the setting sail of Thor Hyerdahl from Peru to drift across the Pacific, as pre-Inca voyagers perhaps drifted from South America to Polynesia. […]

Local Sensibilities

  I got good news in the mail yesterday. One of my credit cards told me triumphantly that it had increased the amount of credit they were willing to extend to me.   Their faith in the future is a welcome thing, because I am feeling a little jumpy about things today. I heard the […]

Fire in a Crowded Theater

  The call to jihad is on the front page of the New York Times this morning. It is not coming from the likely places of struggle.   The Marines are pulling back a little from Falluja. The oil is beginning to flow again from the terminals at al-Basrah. There has been no slaughter today, […]