Category: DailySocotra

Mighty Wind

Mighty Wind Seven rockets roared into the Green Zone in Baghdad last night like a mighty wind. They hit the famous Al Rasheed hotel. You remember the place. It is where Bernard Shaw reported with awe the first night of the air war in 1991 and where Peter Arnette stayed in the first Gulf War. […]

March Showers

March Showers Could it only be four years this day since three white New York police officers were convicted of a cover-up in a police station attack on Haitian immigrant Abner Louima? Abner received a nice settlement from the cituy of New York, and he returned to his home island where he did charity works […]

Born Again

Born Again So now it is 183 dead in the attacks yesterday. I want to swat at the numbers like flies. There is a story in the Times- and I should not have to point out that it is the New York, rather than the Washington version- about the body-washers of Iraq, and the tremendous […]

Down and Dirty

Down and Dirty The news this morning is cautionary and brisk. Spring Training for Big League Baseball kicked off in Florida and the Southwest, and the photos were taken for bubble-gum cards. There is a furor over Human Growth Hormone use by some of the stars. I don’t believe a word of it. Just because […]


Gravity The plants stayed outside again last night. It is March. They may need some toughening up, like Marine recruits. It is going to be a hot summer. The weekend is over. The move is done, as is the Academy Awards, which I missed altogether. They have a five second delay this year, sparked by […]

The Process

The Process If we can just get out of this month, things will be fine. Not long to go. But it was not a good day, yesterday, and this being alone sucks. That was part of it. There was more. I got a call in the evening at home, telling me the meeting that had […]

Cannibal Armee

Cannibal Armee Haiti is shaped like the claw of a lobster about to snap on its prey. Two long peninsulas stretch out toward Cuba and a great Bay lies between them. To the right is the jagged border that divides the island of Hispaneola into Haiti on the West, and the Dominican Republic on the […]

Fat Tuzeday

Fat Tuzeday The Rebels have Cap Haitian, and they are puzzling through the plans for the thirty-third government of Haiti, once the Pearl of the Carribbean. It is also the last day of the big party prior to Lent, Fat Tuesday. But of course we do things differently now. There is no Lent, any more […]

Moving Daze

Normally I get up with great discipline to read and write in an iterative manner manner, consulting with the Overseas radio and the New York Times. to you. I stayed up too late, as you know, but arose right on time at 0442. I ground the coffee and turned on the switch, thinking I might […]

Plenty of Free Parking

I am starting off slow this morning. The New York Times e-version did not show up in my inbox , and although I have been up for more than an hour already, I have accomplished precisely nothing. I had a glitch copying files from my archive to the hard drive on the new computer. Between […]