Category: DailySocotra

The Commission

Senator Kerry has won the Wisconsin Primary, though apparently cross-over Republicans gave Senator John Edwards a strong second place. Howard Dean’s last stand came in a distant third. He refuses to give up, or so he says publicly.  Edwards was only 6% back, which is either a win or another loss. I will have to […]

Hinge of Fate

The affairs of humankind turn on ponderous hinges. We are a disorganized lot, and fate has a lot of inertia. Mine did this morning. I awoke to the knowledge that the three-day weekend commemorating the Dead Presidents was over, and the mind-numbing series of meetings on the new contract were going to begin in a […]

Sea Cabin

I slept late because the sun does not beat down on the windows here in the Sea-Cabin as it does in the Route 50 side of Big Pink. I have taken to calling the Sea Cabin because it is as small as a stateroom on a warship, and I look out on the swimming pool. […]

Friday the Thirteenth

The oldest public school in the United States, the Boston Public Latin School, was founded today in the Year of Our Lord 1635. It was a day still locked in the heart of dark winter in New England, the summer months away. The stern Fathers of the day must have figured it was a good […]

Democratic Elections

Christopher Marquis wrote from the Imperial City on the Potomac yesterday: “As the Haitian crisis deepens, with violence flaring and President Jean-Bertrand Aristide locked in an impasse with his opponents, the Bush administration has placed itself in the unusual position of saying it may accept the ouster of a democratic government.” There is nothing unusual […]


It is a good day for Senator John Kerry. He won big in the Virginia primary. I thought about voting yesterday. It is a novel feeling, being able to declare a party affiliation after so many years of rigorous non-partisanship. But I think the Democratic Party has pretty much sorted itself out for the race […]

The Thousand Mile War

I spent the day assembling the Murphy Bed. I think I am probably only a month away from completion, and have resigned myself to sleeping on the floor amid the parts. But there is room for optimism. I have heat and light and the whole of a Sunday to fritter away. I took the elevator […]

A Minor Affray at Big Pink

I ordered Chinese after Sam the Shutter guy finally got done with the job last night. Sam has a sandy chort beard and intense blue eyes. He is a perfectionist. I wondered about offering him beer while he was trying to complete the installation of the Plantation shutters on the big glass windows. But he […]

The Cabinet of Dr Caligari

There is a winter storm warning declared for today, a mix of sleet and snow predicted to fall atop the icy residue of last week. We had recovered sufficiently that I washed the car of the crusty layer of salt and chemicals. So the return of winter is technically my fault, and I apologize. I […]

Center of Gravity

The center of gravity at Big Pink shifted abruptly yesterday 5:15PM. The happy equilibrium of gravity and altitude came crashing down, the lode-star shifting in the heavens and plunging toward the frozen drifts around the forlorn swimming pool under its taut green cover and crusted snow. The cable company came and shut down my service. […]