Category: DailySocotra

Incident at Big Pink

It is a gray Monday. The sun is rising later and later and it is cool on the balcony. The President had addressed the Nation last night, and I watched him with curiosity, sound on mute. The radio was filled with commentary about what he had said, the new commitment to operations against Terror in […]

Parkway Patriot

My life changed abruptly this week. Not as abruptly as it did for the riders on the Big Thunder Railway- at Disneyland out in California. That was a pretty good ride, as I recall riding it with my sons a few years back. It was as close an experience to jinking around in a little […]


I woke this morning to find the apartment filled with Pakistani eunuchs. They are called Hajiras. The BBC was running a feature on them. So it wasn’t my fault, it was a function of a slow news day and a certain fascination with the outr� and bizarre. I am prepared to confront my business day […]

Rain Rain

The sky is a blanket of gray wool, cloaking Arlington in a soft, moist mist. There is no sturm and drang, though the weather channel is promising me that some of that Germanic vigor is in store for later. I am a civilian this morning, just as I was yesterday. It is a new feeling, […]

The Great Helmsman

The Great Helmsman passed away today, taking his last swim up the Yangsi River. Last of the Big Boys, he was, last of the great generation of movers and shakers. I was about to join the Navy when he passed, the dust hadn’t settled over Vietnam and I and was driving a Chevy about the […]

Luck of the Draw

My son called from college yesterday. I had told him he had to check in once a week and Sunday was a good day for him to do it. He said he had been out looking for a bike, since the distances on his campus are vast and he does not like to walk. He […]

Season Opener

There was a tide of emotion surging through the holy city yesterday. Thousands poured in from throughout the country, walking to the corner of the sacred shrine where their spiritual leaders were last seen. I’m not talking about the Shrine of Ali, either, as you well know. That was going on, of course. They will […]

Animal House

I could write about the unending misery out there in the wide world but I can’t bring myself to do it this morning. The Marital Dog is visiting, and his liquid brown eyes greeted me before five this morning. He needed to go out. I was happy to take him. The world is good this […]

Water Water Everywhere

It is raining and thundering again out there. The morning is coming in with lightning and loud banging, another wave following the one that blew through in the night. We have been battered daily by massive electrical storms, the one that started the week knocking out the power across the National Capital Region. We aren’t […]


It is a slow news day. There was a stampede at a Hindu religious festival in western India. The dust has only begun to settle on the terrorist bombings in Bombay. I can’t get used to calling it “Mumbai,” which is what the government wants to do to ease English out as the national lingua […]