Category: DailySocotra


It is the anniversary of the Battle of Midway, the first Naval encounter fought entirely by airplanes between two fleets who never came within sight of one another. It was the beginning of the end for the Empire of the Sun, and at Stalingrad, Marshall von Paulus was about to surrender his 6th Army to […]

Cold Peace

They are giving away amusement park rides out in Sterling, Virginia. I took them up on it this weekend, daring the rain to come and spoil it. I needed to indulge myself, put the wide world aside for a moment since the landscape of the world appears to be shifting, slumping into a new paradigm. […]

Severe Acute Retirement Syndrome

It cleared yesterday, the skies suddenly deep and blue and the clouds reverted to soft cotton balls instead of the pervasion damp wool that has blanketed us for a month. I had the top down on the car and the golf clubs at the ready. It is astonishing what a little sunshine can do for […]

Sedimentary Layers

I took a class in Geology back in college. It was a hard science requirement imposed on the lit students that I had to kill and it looked like an interesting way to do it. I was impressed by the atomic numbers of the elements, and looking through the microscope at thinly shaved pieces of […]

Soft Dairy

Bob Hope is 100 years old today, he made it to the century mark and somewhere a lot of people are smiling. Elsewhere they aren’t and it looks like the 3rd Armored Cav is going to be sticking around Baghdad a little longer than planned. Another American was shot dead yesterday, and at this rate […]

Stones in the Rain

It had rained for four days. It rained on me in Washington and the stationary front hung like a great balloon tethered over the East Coast and it poured down on us in New York and Massachusetts and all the points between. Yesterday was Memorial Day yesterday all over America, but I went to Arlington […]

The Hundred Days

I’m up. My fingers don’t feel very agile this morning. My brain is a monolithic mass. I have put on something for breakfast. It is cloudy with a 60% chance of rain. It is 57, colder than it should be, and rain is likely for all the days of the weekend. We will be traveling, […]

The Untouchable

Today bands of rain are sweeping across the District. The commute will be lousy, and a hundred thousand grim-faced drivers have already climbed into their cars for the slog toward their jobs in the Imperial City. It is Friday, that is the good news, but there is the troublesome last 20% of the working week […]

Hot Wash

I am going to deal with the impending death of exercise Top Officials 2 today. It doesn’t know it is dying, but most of the press conferences are over, and Governor Ridge is going to have the limelight up in Chicago today. The senior people are going to stop going to the videconferences, and the […]


I gave up this morning. Exercise Top Officials 2 has eaten my lunch, or rather my breakfast. Oh, sure, I was up early enough, I got the coffee started and then went back to lie down just for a moment. Then some flaw in the space-time continuum occurred, a temporal fugue. I suddenly was nearing […]