Category: DailySocotra

On the Town

It will be a challenge to get through today, since my head did not hit the pillow last night until nearly midnight. I rose unwilling, head swirling with the news from Iraq. I looked out and saw that it is wet and cold and thoroughly nasty this morning. The commute is going to be awful […]


Iraq went to daylight savings time today. Our time change is still a few weeks away, taking an hour in the moring and granting one in the afternoon. Spring ahead, as they say to help us remember which way to turn the big hand. In Washing ton it makes everybody feel jet-lagged for a few […]

April Fools

It’s April Fools and it is cold and it is payday and I think I am one of them. I am listening to the news about the van filled with women and children approaching a checkpoint. The media play on this, at least the English language version, is relatively sympathetic. Allowances should be made. The […]

Operational Paws

It is the second full week of the war. Gen.Tommy R. Franks had his press conference yesterday morning. Tommy seemed calm and steady, not filled with bragadoccio like Stormin’ Norman Schwartkpf. Tommy spoke to the press at the remodeled vehicle repair building in Qatar yesterday about the war plan. He said the pundits were screwed […]

Information Fatigue

I was on edge all day yesterday, and I’m pretty sure I know why. It is the media coverage I turned to the TV last night to channel 57. I was tired, suffering from vicarious combat fatigue, and later, basketball overload. There is too much information. The last time it was like this was at […]

Operational Pause

I am headed for the office this moist rich Saturday morning. I did not got my full shot of news all at once, instead it trickled in around the sides, filling up with the caffeine. Snippets instead of a tapestry and I cannot bring myself to turn on the television this early. It is the […]

Face to Face

Daniel Patrick Moyanhan is dead. He was a shoeshine boy in his time and a four-time senator and one of the most original thinkers who ever tinkered with social policy. He was a lot o other things, too, but we will let that go and celebrate his life. We joked about that in our Harvard […]

Hot Lanta

I am up and a half hour into the war. I have reviewed the NY Times and am current with the BBC and swelling up with information from National Public Radio. There was a massive fight-fight on the front of the Custer’s Seventh Cavalry, hundreds of Iraqis are reported killed in action. No U.S. casualties […]

Alphabet Soup

Yesterday marked 26 years since I raised my right hand and swore an oath to the Constitution. It marks the last pay raise I will receive from the Department of the Navy I have served this quarter-century, and it is appropriate that my request for transfer to the retired list is at the Bureau for […]

War Horses

I slept better last night, maybe just weary and maybe just happy it is all happening at last. I woke up a little early, battered but sound. It is Friday, and with luck I can relax around the edges of the weekend if I do the scheduling for the senior staff to cover the weekend […]