Category: DailySocotra

The Answer to the Korean Crisis

The Answer to the Korean Crisis   The news is loonier than usual this morning. The Brits have found a makeshift biological production lab in London and arrested six men. Three more are at large. It looks like the bad guys were producing Ricine, a powerful toxin, but all they found was traces and they […]

Like Son

It is a hell of a morning. The wind is cutting like a knife, cold and committed to the new year. The dawn is crisp and businesslike. Colin Powell looked dubious last night, but the last pillar of the Axis of Evil announced that it was going to halt its nuclear weapons program. Not that […]

Green Side Up

Green Side Up   There is an old joke that is completely appropriate to this day as we prepare to stagger back to work. The excess is about over, parties done, and return legs from vacation complete or in progress today. The Ohio State Buckeyes are Kings of College Football, first time since the year […]

Copyright 2003

Copyright 2003   Gentle Readers, I hope that the Eve was good for you and the New Year finds you dry and comfortable. Ohio State is playing later today for the National Championship and I will dutifully cheer for the Big Ten, though my heart is not really in it. My game is this morning […]

Buried Alive

The metro region is buried this morning under feet of heavy white snow. The Government won’t be a threat to anyone today, and I’m not sure we are going to be effective again the rest of the week, regardless of how hard we dig or how warm it gets. My apologies to the BBC this […]

Dave Barry Couldnt Make This Up

30 December 2002   Dave Barry Couldn’t Make This Up   The Moon and Venus are dancing in the eastern sky this morning. They have risen together and grown closer, changing places. Venus is now ascendant. Earlier it had clung below the sliver moon. They seem to have something going. The light is rising too, […]

Attack of the Clones

28 December 2002   Attack of the Clones   There is no BBC World Service on my National Public Radio station on the weekends. I awoke alone in the cool darkness of the apartment and turned the coffee and a symphony on. The sound George Auric’s rich strings filled the small I turned on the […]

On the Water

26 December 2002   On the Water   I don’t know how Vicky Barker is doing it this morning. It the day after the holiday, Saint Stephen’s day, and her voice is still bright and her phrasing impeccable. But the stories she reads and introduces on the World Service this morning are enough to propel […]

London Calling

London Calling   Tomorow is Christmas Eve. I don’t know how this happened. Last time I looked up it was still in the teens, still time to get to the Post Office, still time to get the list accomplished and now it is the the penultimate day, either the last gifts are bought or the […]