Category: DailySocotra

The Great Ziggurat Temple of Ur

Sunday morning laundry melted inexorably into Sunday morning study. By the time Monday and Wednesday�s case lay strewn around me in wreckage my eyes hurt. Not unexpected perhaps, since one of the cases tomorrow deals with charity eye-surgery in Tamil Nadu, India. It lies across the channel from the gentle island of Ceylon, now known […]

Week One My room

My room-mate Loren had his wife and a friend over last night so there was general confusion in the residence and Mr. Wu our Chinese roomate (Taiwan) ghosted in and out. It was good to hear women’s voices breaking the normal silence of this apartment. I am a little homesick, and a little fuzzy this […]

The Durgin

The Saturday regimen was brutal, as I mentioned earlier. I was mildly hung over, but gamely stayed in the fight and I had done the readings and contributed in class. The problem my hobby of trying to document this $9,800 investment of the taxpayers. I think I am giving it a game fight on all […]

The Club Middle East Thursday in Cambridge was sunny and hot

Thursday in Cambridge was sunny and hot. The humidity is back here on the Charles and people are exercising early. Bikes are flying, women are jogging and rowers are pulling hard on their oars before it gets too hot. The Kennedy school is taking an infusion of new students in another mid-career management seminar. Our […]

Get Ready for School

(let�s get) Get Ready for School This is a big day, a traveling day. This morning my flotsam and jetsam were strewn around me. Garment bag, duffle, briefcase. Packing for three weeks is an undertaking of no small order. I had my little list. Some of it I accomplished. I triaged the bills that will […]

Internal Bleeding

09 December 2002   Internal Bleeding   It is black out there this morning. We are still sliding into the depths of the darkness, losing another couple of minutes of sun each day. Sunrise today will be at 7:15. The moon is down, just beyond New, and brightest thing in the eastern sky is Venus, […]

Freezing Rain

Freezing Rain Bob Ryan was right. This is going to be a nasty, messy winter. It is raining a cold hard sprinkle on the pavement and the once-white frozen drifts left over from last week. It is dark, of course, and later it promises to be a reprise of yesteray’s raw gray bluster, only with […]

Happy Holidays

12 December 2002   Happy Holidays   The North Koreans are opening up the reactor for the production of enriched uranium at Yong Byon, the one we were in Pyongyang to talk about. I remember being hot-boxed by the Northerners the first night, tired, pushed hard for concessions after dinner, our phone calls back to […]