Category: DailySocotra

A Little Traveling Music

(Senior US Senator Diane Feinstein, 2004) It’s Wednesday, the Hump day for this cycle. The Lady in Red on the office flatscreen says it is warm again, temps in the mid-80s, but with a cooling trend approaching with rain by this weekend. In the meantime, our clouds will burn off here above the Potomac River […]

That Taiwan Thing

(Chiang Kai-shek Tomb Guard, Taipei, Taiwan 1981) It is a sunny Monday to start things after the conclusion of Holy celebrations for three major faiths. Easter was great here, with a joyous family brunch across Route 50 under cloudless skies. By the time we were able to focus again, word was spreading from across the […]

The Seven Seas: Port Call Al-Iskandriya, 1990

Port Call Al-Iskandariya, 1990 Downsizing is an interesting evolution. We are in the process at the moment. Looking through the different old directories stacked up in the computer was interesting in attempting unscramble the past. Part of it is a numbers thing. Did we make all 50 States? How many nations? And was it six […]

Dang Ta La Dang

…(( Behind us as the ruling party, all Party members and cadres must really imbibe morality, really need integrity, impartial work, must keep our party clean, must preserve our party in books, must conflict with the party being a healthy person of the people…)) Ho-Chi Minh We would expect nothing else, of course. But the […]

Easter Rising

(Easter Baskets aligned. Delightful Carrot Cake prepared. Today’s observance underway!) The Legal guys told us we could go back to casual commentary regarding religion just as soon as things cool down a little on the litigation front. Just a precaution, they say, but they note the tide of stuff rising around us. We respectfully demure […]

Army Wives

This is part of the ‘immersion theme’ we have been musing about in modern social behavior. It parallels another social aspect of what we call “weaponized advertising.” Both terms are still a little experimental. Both include other large impact areas, some completely incidental and others now harnessed in ways not previously exploited. That occurred to […]

Fantasy Patches

There is some junk in the system. Some of it was junk when entered, other parts have achieved that status through age. We are not apologizing about that. Socotra House readers are familiar that characteristic of our production. Our archives recently have become a curious jumble of hidden masses of digits. They have transitioned through […]

Good Friday

It is Good Friday today, and with some minor chaos we will attend to a scheduled medical mystery of our own. It has been scheduled for weeks, so there is no spiritual surprise. Just minor confusion in automotive direction. Holy Week was always a great one for walking in Washington. This season has turned, finally, […]

Weather Report: LawStorm!

We could start with reports of the hundred rockets fired at Israel from Lebanon to contribute to the Passover season. But that sort of thing has become a sort of tradition. Here is the jumble of other reporting on a week transitioning to Spring. – Vic It is past the tipping point this week, so […]

Barrage of Lawfare: Bloomeroo2023! Day Three…

  We attempted to stay awake for the address by a former Chief Executive. Sadly, we only made it to the Tucker Carlson fifteen-minute lead-up to the surprisingly contained and focused remarks by the former Chief Official of the United States Government. The new sleeping Gummies that Splash contributed earlier may have contributed to our […]