Category: DailySocotra

Full Crow

The name “Worm Moon” is thought to relate to the emergence of earthworms from the thawing soils. That is a distillation of the conversation that had gone through full mugs of coffee. The change in soil composition, for example. The little worms start to turn. Ground is softer, with consideration for how armored vehicles might […]

Stage Three and Two Meetings

Fox 5 Announces Stage Three of Cherry Blossom Deployment. There are six, but as of yesterday the ‘florets have extended. Halfway to Stage Six and full blossom!). Thursdays are filled with normal excitement but there is more today. The Cherry Blossoms hit Third Degree yesterday in defiance of the cool Canadian breeze over the city. […]

A Malthusian Ride

(Rev. Thomas Robert Malthus, RFC. 1798. Image wiki). It was a chaotic staff meeting on Tuesday. Monday had been marred by placement of the Chairman’s detritus works of arts on walls not designed to accommodate them. So, discussion was wide-ranging on the information streams and the various interests behind them. Quite a ride. The Atlanta […]

Moving Status

Thankfully, both Arrias and Marlow contributed pieces that included actual thought this bright Monday morning. We are still amazed at transformation, from Big Pink’s plush Second Deck down to the more formal First, with external departues over The Patio. The dawn comes on clear days around nine-thirty, as you can see from the bright line […]

Night Train to Nairobi, 1979

Editor’s Note: This element of travel tales has lingered for a while. The date on it may be a notional one- it reads “10 June 1979,” which must have been an ancient date scrawled later to signify celebrating a 28th birthday in a place far away. The claimed copyright is dated in the year of […]

Morning Has Broken

(Julie demonstrates an eventual Sound of Music in the Alps once the remotes were sorted out!) The morning actually got unbroke, which was a relief. That is not to disparage the fine installation work conducted by FIOS installation technician Antoinne last Thursday. The thin white cable required for fiberoptic connectivity appeared to be routed correctly, […]

Moving Downslope

It was a nearly successful move downslope yesterday. You can see there are a few things left to be moved around in the new unit. There are plenty of boxes, many of them full, and the Latinx crew who arrived in a timely manner to ask us not to use the “x” thing at the […]

Stage Two

(Image 01 March 2023 courtesy NBC Washington DC) “The cherry trees have progressed to florets visible, the 2nd of 6 stages. Depending on the weather, peak bloom should be around 3 weeks away!” @NationalMallNPS tweeted. Naturally, the news was electrifying. The cherry blossoms down around the Tidal Basin hit Stage Two on their germination process. […]

The Dance Resumes

(Ms Chandsi Kataria of New Delhi demonstrates the dance she will perform in New York’s Times Square to illuminate the American budget process. Photo Kataria). It is gone now, and frankly we are a little relieved. It was a mild February in the Eastern US. It had all sorts of stuff, a flurry of little […]

Weather Report: Clouds in the East

You would think the skies would know which way the prevailing winds blow, you know? Like the climate models, it depends on how you load up the computer with the assumptions of the programmer. If you believe in the story you are attempting to tell, naturally the process will direct you to what you know […]