Category: DailySocotra

RBFDs: The Roads, Rails and Bridges

Editor’s Note: There is a lot of news this morning. The Federal government apparently woke up and realized the situation in East Palestine, Ohio, might be a RBFD. The Chief of the EPA showed up on Friday to “examine” the consequences of the “train wreck” or disaster, take your pick. The little town and State […]

Charlie and Karen Save the World

We joke about the weather in this time of transition. We have fairly decent forecasting and nothing that happens here should be particularly surprising. Today is likely to be a reversal of the mild temperatures as the front rolls through, dropping rain first and then an abrupt 30-degree decline in the temp to something slightly […]

Mud Season on the Rivers

(The Weekly Forecast contains news from two large river systems adjusting to Spring. One is just a mile or so east on Rt. 50. The other is across an ocean where the fresh water rejoins the salty seas. Here, we heard that McPherson Square, the little park in front of the Army-Navy Club, has become […]

The Closed

(This is a 1979 encounter between one of our VF-151 F4J Phantom jets with one of the Soviet four-engine heavy bombers. It was part of an otherwise busy military day at sea in the either the North Pacific or Sea of Japan, we forget which. We liked this one, taken by another squadron crew stepped […]

A Day Worth Celebrating

We took Valentines Day a little easy this season. I procured red roses a week or so ago, and a quite delightful new ceramic vase suitable for attractive term coffee storage has appeared. So, external holidy aspects are complete, and it seems appropriate to concentrate on the essence of the day itself. It is busy, […]

The Next Holiday

We understand there are no holidays until tomorrow, though that requires a cross check from secular to national issues. We will devote today to adjustments from Game Day antics and attempt look prepared for tomorrow’s romance. We took a minor poll and discussed whether the findings in the aftermath were worth comment. The Super Bowl […]

Game Day

The panoply about the sporting event later today can be viewed as an interesting pivot point. We couldn’t tell if withdrawal from televised sports is what makes the wanton publicity more garish than usual. That mild uncertainty started before the pandemic, and reflects the breadth of change. There is a partly religious aspect to some […]

“New Object” Spurs Old Memories

(Navy RA5-C Vigilante aircraft from RVAH-7. Navy image.) There was some spirited conversation on the Balcony late yesterday about the “New Object” shot down off the Prudeau Bay complex in Alaska. Some of us used to be in the aerial collection business, and there is interesting old technology flying around with new capabilities. It was […]

The Moon’s a Balloon

We have a crisis of sorts here. It is time to venture off the property and go shopping for controlled substances. That includes two versions of products produced in the United States by the Philip-Morris corporation. The history of the brand has an odd resonance with everything else happening these days. Smoking is now a […]

The Campaign Begins

We attempted to stay up late enough to catch part of the SOTUS last night. Sadly, we couldn’t do it. Our interpretation of the event is therefore based on what other people thought about it, partly in another language popular here these days. The key take-away seemed to be a moment of tribute to the […]