Category: DailySocotra

Grandparents on a Navy Cruiser

(VADM Rex Rectanus, Left. Virginia Martin, Middle. Some guy from the Writer’s Section, Right). If you are lucky, you may recall when the grandparents came for a visit in a pleasant old sedan for a happy family weekend. Today’s adventure from the Writer’s Section features something along those lines, if those grandparents were actually just […]

Good Afternoon, Car People! This just in from Hal Showers about the show tomorrow! He says: “Hard to believe that 24 hours from now Marie Harrington will be kindly reminding me how to put up a tent and how to run an extension cord, but the 20th Bill Reddig AMC Show is tomorrow! Get your […]

Steel Mobile Homes

This is an unusual morning. It started with a note from one of the Old Salts about submarines.He had been to an exhibit called “A View From the Periscope.” It was a collection of twenty images depciting life around the Bubbleheads. None of us at the Writer’s Section except DeMille were bubbleheads, and our limited […]

The Seven Day Forecast

The Lady In Red is the name Splash assigned to the skilled meteorologist on the flat screen who appears each afternoon. She appears in the bundle of jumbled information each afternoon and gives us a taste of what to expect from the skies above in the week ahead. She claimed something extraordinary for this summer […]

Public, Podcast, Personal and Private

The Writer’s Section was agog at the Fire Pit this morning. Well, that is a bit of a euphemism, since we tend to be “gog” most mornings, at least until the Chock Full O’ Nuts kicks in. But the crux of the matter was the detention of one of those media figures who we find […]

A Couple Heroes You May Not Know

There are a couple pieces contained in this brief inadequate account that have been worth telling for many years. They are long overdue, since they both retain some minor mysteries. Those stories were sheltered in other labor, deferred for the telling of other tales of other mysteries. The first is a tip of the Navy […]

New Words in a New Week

Well, that was an emotional week and now it is a Monday to start at a new season and new thoughts. Except it is actually back to the traditional problems that had been wrapped in an intense swirl of memories, sadness, commitment and a hint of joy that it all continues. Now it is back […]

A Field in Pennsylvania

(This is a green rolling field near Shanksville, Pennsylvania. It is worth a stop if you happen to be passing that way. Photo New York Times). There has been an unusual flood of emotion these past few days. It is a wave that accompanies the passing of a Monarch we have known all our lives, […]

Weather Report: The Passing of Her Age

Thought you had missed it? The events of this past week briefly overwhelmed our ability to process them. The cascade of news stands in stark relief as times have dramatically changed in a manner stark and inalterably clear. Mr. Gorbachev took his leave as an initial crescendo of the tectonic lurching of what we may […]

Changing of the Guard

It was a big day yesterday. As a nation, we are approaching the 21st anniversary of the attack on America we now just call “9/11.” There are a lot of memories associated with that morning, spread out over the following months. I had been- briefly- at the Pentagon that morning. There was a bit of […]