Category: DailySocotra

A Smokey Sunrise

A Smokey Sunrise

(Waning moon here in DC greets a smokey dawn Out West on an anniversary of victory & expansion. Fifteen more on the Calendar until something else). It is the Holy Day on the calendar, and Splash had the night-watch on alert for Big Surprises. He had a bottle of Old Crow to fortify himself until […]

Blowing Up the House

Blowing Up the House

These days, we just start with guidance from the Legal Intern, since Creative Section Leader DeMille is frankly fed up with starting the meeting and assigning some tag lines for the groggy individuals at The Picnic Table only to have legal say there is potential liability in pursuing any of them through a lovely clear […]

Alaska Day

Alaska Day

No Big Surprise overnight, though a bunch of smaller ones to keep things boiling. The more surprising one is the news from Gaza, where much of this foreign trouble is possibly linked directly to things in our election. Timing is everything, you know? The news of the apparently inadvertent killing of the most wanted man […]

What’s Next? And When?

Yep. All that stuff in the slide is going on and we are prepared to talk about any part you would like to explore. The big hanging question is about the Big Surprise, we have been expecting, since all the little ones seem a little played out. Mr. Trump’s health is one of the issues, […]

Care for a Slice of Cake?

Hungry? We are out of bread, but there might be something else in the pantry. The Socotra House Legal Section has not given up hope something will be found. There are 19 more days of increasing fury to get to the election which will determine who will get a chance to divvy up the national […]

Making a Tasty Omelet

Legal was stern this morning at the Production Meeting. ”Keep it mirthful and moving,” said the Intern, and we nodded, We aging Salts were going to talk about the mass flights by unknown drone aircraft over Air Force and Navy bases we are not supposed to notice, like the foreign gangs that have taken over […]

Hold Our Beer

OK. The messaging is getting complicated this afternoon There is the usual jumble of stuff overseas which has direct ties to the Campaign in terms of who does what to whom and when. Yom Kippur has passed as a direct moment, though the days around it carry significant meaning so specific timing is not required. […]

The Tic Tac Tale

Morning, now that is almost isn’t! This is an unusual morning with a pile of stories down on the picnic table, some groggy members of the Socotra House Creative scowling at their still-steaming Chock Full O’ Nuts in the assortment of ceramic mugs celebrating ships long consigned as sunken reefs, bars now turned into multi-use […]

Columbus Day

There was a minor scuffle at the Saturday Production Meeting. There is a continuation of some family stuff happening for those in the group actually related to the Chairman’s genetic group which resulted in some staying abed late and arriving groggy at The Picnic Table. DeMille was a little distant, since he had the interns […]

Mixed Messaging

We don’t mean to say it in a bad way. But it certainly is a jumble this morning, isn’t it? Example: We had a big stir here in the Washington Post about the Northern Lights being visible here as a result of the current solar disturbances. You can see that is a purely relative display […]