Category: DailySocotra

Sign of the Times

(The official Refuge Farm Christening Sign is now in place out by the Big A** Rock. Our Ace Landscaper got it in place yesterday to help commemorate the completion of the new porch addition. That in turn is against a backdrop of an economic recession here at home, or what appears to be something larger […]

Monday Madness

It was a nice Piedmont Dawn here in rural Virginia. We had no reports of fuel leaks, though the banging on the roof was a little abrupt. Drama was mostly external, though some collateral damage was completely expected. You can’t expect to peel a sheet metal skin off a house without a little impact noise, […]

Sliding Into Fall!

Well, Sunday at Refuge Farm launched early! Temperatures in the mid-60’s, lovely sunshine and life is pleasant. As you know, we had been thinking about Next Steps for life in the Country. The transition from working farm to something they apparently call “independent living,” which is a pleasant term for something else on the inexorable […]

Day Labor

 I remember the last project Mom and Dad attempted up in the little village by the bay. It was a two-car garage with a neat little apartment on the second floor. It was neat, and provided a place for the kids to stay when performing one of the check-in visits. It enabled Dad to take […]

Class of 2035

Family matters arrived with the return from a marvelous vacation by part of the clan. It looked like it had been fun with a visit to the golden islands of the Mid-Pacific to show the grandchildren where some of their parents had been born with the unique title of “Kama-ainias.” That term is Hawaiian for […]

Weather Report: What’s Next?

OK- we talked a bit about “Black Swans” earlier this week. The term refers to highy unusual events that may pop up periodically in the world square. We learned about them growing up in the Old American system of education. The Great Depression our generation heard about from our folks would fit in that one. […]

The Fountain in the Moonlight Square

(The Red Fort, New Delhi, India, 2002). Given recent events, the Writer’s Section at Refuge Farm was chatting about Iran and their Bomb this morning. And Afghanistan and pieces of the rest of a long story. It accounts for some of the feelings down at the Fire Ring about events that have been dragging on […]

Some Black Swans

Good morning! It is a good one and the sun is bright and pain is starting to diminish. The rain has stopped in Virginia’s Piedmont, and something like recovery continues to happen here at Refuge Farm. I won’t go into that end of things, since it is just what it is. But some general steps […]

Making Lemonade

(This isn’t the Nash Metro Dad bought for Mom. That Metropolitan had the same colors and had been built in the UK and represented part of George Romney’s effort to compete in the Car Wars of the mid-1950s. Ours was naturally built to British standards. There was no “trunk lid” since access to what they […]


(Flowers seem much better at Home!) You can fill in the missing words with ease, but the reality of “Coming Home” after a period of supervised living is pretty abrupt. It causes this to be a briefer edition of The Daily than I had anticipated. Getting used to the hospital ward environment is abrupt and […]