Category: DailySocotra

Top Ten

You might have heard that the Supreme Court just finished their session. They made a lot of noise with several decisions accompanied by a variety of levels of emotion. Probably the most vocal of them was about the overturning of a decision made nearly fifty years ago. It was based on the Women’s Health Section […]

The Word This Year

The current malaise abroad in the land is sort of astonishing. We noted it last year with mild surprise. We hadn’t even heard the term “malaise” in a couple decades. We know it from former President Jimmy Carter’s speech in 1979, the year I was living on an old ship in the Far East, saluting […]

The Long Weekend

The Bolivian Workers are here, arriving early-bright. There is a stated goal, arrived at in a mixture of languages generally characterized as Spanglish. Lately it has become a common tongue at Refuge Farm. We also believe we have general agreement on the proposition that will have the extended new porch and associated roof on the […]

Historic Times

Editor’s Note: The Supremes are at it again. The last of their decisions for this term will curb the power of regulatory agencies as “unconstitutional.” There may be another one on the “Remain in Mexico” policy later this morning. This will provoke more discussion atop the decisions on the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 10th and […]

That Next Project

The light of this new day is brilliant on the Piedmont’s rolling hills. There is an expression of vitality in this part of our world, of rich green growing forces erupting from our soil. On the pasture below the Bunk House a single young deer stands inviolate, doing as it will. Unmolested. Free. The Hummingbirds […]

Confusing the Eagle

There apparently were some decisions released by a court in Washington this week. Reports on the early and late news- the times management does not attempt to regulate what material we have access for viewing- was that there were some emotional responses to them. You can imagine the reaction in the Writers Section at Refuge […]

Weather Report: Storm in Progress

Amanda was very stern with us this morning. It fit the skies, which had retreated from severe dark booming and bright flashes of lightning to a more gentle but persistent rainfall. The Chairman was in an agitated state over the annual chimney cleaning, a necessary job in the country, but the idea of workmen on […]

Our Ruby Throats

(You must look down to the right to see our Ruby Throat. Capturing this image required phone and constant attention- and eight attempts. Photo Socotra). There was controversy that started before the normal Production Meeting of the Writer’s Section of Socotra House LLC this morning. As you may have gathered, Management is under pressure in […]

Summertime…and the Living Is…

(The 22-Story House of Soviets in Kaliningrad, formerly Konigsberg) The Very Small Group at the Writer’s Circle did not immediately gravitate to the Fire Ring down the slope from the Bunk House on this first day of Piedmont Summer. The Ring is now unlikely to be used for a few months as the Piedmont’s soggy […]

Father’s Day in a Different Land

Bill Reddig- the fellow we called Dad- did his version of the electric car back in the mid-1950s as a stylist at American Motors. The thoughts about what were to come in this amazing world were around then, and AMC’s Chief of Design, Mr. Ed Anderson, had the idea that what was coming should look […]