Category: DailySocotra

Why Things Are the Way They Are

Some of the crowd around the Fire Ring at Refuge Farm were wearing shorts. The Lady in Red on the flatscreen in the bunk house had done an ominous turn in her weather reporting, saying that the relatively cool Spring was going to transition into a weekend with temperatures in the 90s. Splash was wearing […]

Yelling at the Sky

It was a glorious morning in Virginia’s Piedmont. There had been a full moon in a clear sky, one filled with celestial mystery. There was an argument of unusual intensity for the early morning as the circle around the Fire Ring discussed it. Some called the illumination in this burgeoning month of growth the “Flower […]

Weather Report: Let Them Eat Cake

The Writer’s Section was scrambling this morning. The skies were bright, some of the humidity had passed with the rain clouds that swept up. The Weather Report we do for the Chairman needed some work to connect all the dots that don’t seem to actually point anywhere. There is still enormous concentration on the Special […]

Hand Us a Newspaper, Please!

A dizzying morning at Refuge Farm. Not a product of sleep enhanced by prescription medications or Belmont Farms fine beverages. Just lunacy that spirals with the speed of technological change. That was the case last night. A cool cloudy day with sporadic bursts of rain kept conversation under the awning. Supply and labor issues have […]

A Drive From the Country

(One member of the Writer’s Section first knew this building when the blue diamonds of the façade decorated the glass frontage of a single-story Chevy Dealership in Arlington, VA. The quotation incorporated in this grand new Accenture Building is a welcome ironic note today). We took a drive in the country yesterday. An accident of […]


It is Friday the 13th. The writers at Refuge Farm are aware of that, and traveling anyway on a gray morning. There is a luncheon to attend, and a book to be promoted. The Section pooled limited resources, hired our Bolivian driver, and are prepared to don acceptable Capital Area clothing and hurtle across the […]

Point Luck

(USS Yorktown in port Pearl Harbor, 29 May 1942 for combat repairs after the Battle of Coral Sea. The Shipyard had some timely orders to have her ready for sea in three days. Something big was in store. Photo USN). There is plenty to talk about this morning. Plenty of stuff overseas as the Russian […]

Weather Report: No Victory on V-Day

The crowd at the Fire Ring this morning was on hold until the new numbers were floated out of The Swamp to our north. There was speculation before the release. Agnes stopped by early to drop off some yarn for Melissa to attempt to crochet into something useful. She had stopped at the Safeway and […]

An Awkward Gait

(USAID Director Samantha Power) The Writer’s Section was wrestling with the Weather Report for this week. The normal process is to try to distill the topics that are growing or diminishing, see how they fit together and how the various narratives about what they want us to believe is “news,” if it fits the Agenda. […]

Victory Day

The crowd was unruly at the Fire Ring this morning. You know why. It is Victory Day. Not one of ours, at least in current parlance. We helped Russia, then known by another name, to defeat a malignant government then located in the capital of one of our NATO Alliance partners. Obviously, thing were a […]