Category: DailySocotra

What Are We Talking About?

Rocket had a docket, ready to roll this morning. It was a family thing- an image of his father, slim and tall, in front of something he had desgined and was attempting to sell to America on behalf of a hard working and visionary company run by a guy of the same stripe. It was […]

The Penumbra of Tuesday

DeMille cancelled the production meeting this morning. It is normally a simple process that follows a certain biologic imperative. Eyes open. Latrine visited after industrial-grade percolator is started in the Bunk House kitchenette. If devices had been suitable charged in the hours of darkness- a process reliant on local access to the regional power grid- […]

Pee Tea Ess Dee

(The interior of the al Firdos District Command and Control (C3) Bunker in Baghdad on the second anniversary of the strike. The big hole in the roof was opened up by one of the two Guided Bomb Units (GBU-27 PAVEWAY III laser-guided munitions) on Feb 13, 1991. The impeccably executed strike we learned the next […]

The Merry Month of May

DeMille had to add a meeting to the weekend schedule. Sundays are important, since the regular routine is at odds with a day our Western civilization has traditionally devoted to devotional stuff. You know, the whole getting cleaned up, properly dressed, and traveling to gatherings in which the topic of eternity and the role of […]


The Chairman was up on the back deck of the Big House. He claims to have a touch of the Arthur-itis, and won’t be talking to Arthur for a variety of perfectly understandable issues. He wanted to make some things clear, and launched into an impassioned string of remarks about the current situation. We were […]

Big Sister

(Nina Jankowicz, noted information theoretician who identified the Steele Dossier as “true” and the Hunter Laptop “false.” She is in the news this morning.) There was a moment of chaos at Refuge Farm yesterday. That was the product of several streams of activity. At the personal level, the Writer’s Section scrambled to find sweaters and […]

Cocktails with the Times-Exponent:

Culpeper author pens book about espionage in America, “Cocktails with the Admiral” Editor’s Note: The following article appeared in the local paper- the one we call the “Clarion-Bugle” in jest- regarding the recent publication of “Cocktails With the Admiral.” Author Allison Brophy Champion has the same approach to the book that we did at Socotra […]

Weather Report: War and the World

The Writer’s Circle had made their input to the mid-week submission for Socotra House. DeMille had tried to steer the group back to some middle ground between the horrors of mass graves in Ukraine, rockets going in all sorts of novel directions, sinking warships and tractors hauling disabled Russian tanks across fields that should be […]

Gunfire Breakfast

(Socotra House deeply regrets the Internet disruption to the otherwise orderly Gunfire Breakfast). 26 April 2022 A Gunfire Breakfast (Imagine, if you will, a delightful image in full color of a hearty repast with suitable beverage here. Country internet bandwidth issues preclude inclusion this morning. Management has directed reliable broadband be acquired county-wide). Most members […]


This is short, unlike the usual blather from Socotra House LLC. The Writer’s Section gathered to start a new week and to mark a special day of observance for the young men of the Australia-New Zealand Army Corps, the famed ANZACs. Some of us have children who have observed the Day they celebrate on Australia […]