Category: DailySocotra

The Sounds of Spring

Splash was up early and by the Fire Ring as the first explosives of the morning began to echo up the gentle canyon leading to Mount Pony. It was a salute to the extended rumble of yesterday at the angle of advance for two Armies on successive years. One was headed north to Pennsylvania and […]

Member Appreciation Day

Joy in the morning! Member Appreciation Day Capital Wing Commemorative Air Force It was one of those magnificent Spring days in the Piedmont of Virginia. Light puffy clouds in a brilliant blue morning. A perfect time to roll up Rt 29 to the T.I. Martin Regional Air Field and take in some of the great […]

The Emergency Emergency

The word this morning was that the Russians had fired a new intercontinental ballistic missile. It is supposed to be a new model of the old SS-18 rocket NATO called the “SATAN.” Apparently the Russians have another name for it. The experts said it was a signal directed by Mr. Putin to demonstrate his government’s […]

Weather Report: War and the World

The Fire Ring was smiling, unusual on a Wednesday. Smiles are normally reserved to sometime after the luncheon break, when the future of this day is pretty much set and the morning bright with promise is relegated to the past. The best we can normally muster at the meeting is to savor the warmth of […]

Here Comes the Judge

We had a rough start to the Tuesday Production Meeting. Monday was a busy day for her. One topic of interest had been covered by Arrias, who discussed where the conflict in Ukraine was likely to go, and it included a consideration of the real possibility of the use of WMD. Marlow then had an […]

The Day of Returns

Arrias led off the production effort on this early Monday morning. Well, it was early, and had an informed discussion of the prospect of the use of atomic weapons. That went along with proofing the manuscript the Chairman has had in various ruck-sacks for about forty years. It was an old story about a sailor […]

Joy in a Time of Challenge

Here at Refuge Farm we celebrate a morning of Joy with a time of challenges. You know some of them, and we do not claim to know them all. We know that we have affirmed our faith in the glory of a universe in which we hurtle through the void on a living globe filled […]

Henderson Field

(Splash had this montage of old pictures of a little airfield in the Southwest Pacific. It is now called “Honiara International. American Marines called it something else a number of years ago.) Our Attorney had business of her own elsewhere. It is a weekend, and she had “business elsewhere,” which we assumed to be personal […]

New World in the Morning

Moscow sunk. No kidding. In the draft to this, the Writer’s Section used a sailor expression rather than the sanitized version. We held off in the account yesterday morning of shouting “Moskva Sunk!“ which was part of the narrative that was going around. It was such a dramatic story the group thought it was probably […]

Navigating a New World

(Slava-class warship Moskva in the Bosphorus last year, looking better than this morning, by report). We tried to swing the conversation away from Ukraine in the Weather Report this week. You saw a glimpse of the drumbeat from overseas. China is restive. Japan is considering re-orienting its military, once strictly limited to defensive purposes since […]