Category: DailySocotra

Weather Report: Spring Dislocation!

This is a day to celebrate country living! The Spring is upon us in spurts that remind us that progress is erratic at times, but the process is immutable. They say things will cool again in a few days, back in sweaters on the back deck for smoke breaks we call “bird watching.” That sounds […]

Field Investigation

We had the meeting late this morning, since two of us had to go perform a Field Investigation. Normally, that involves putting down the steaming mug of Chock Full O’ Nuts and looking southeast down across the pasture now starting to shout brilliant GREEN in the placid Piedmont Spring awakening. This was a different matter, […]

Fact Checking the Queen

(Mac chats with a nice English lady at the Dedication of the World War II Memorial at Arlington) It is a weekend, and we watched a moderately old film on the flat screen we share in the Bunk House at Refuge Farm. We have a cis-gendered sort of viewing schedule, carefully adjusted to the possible […]

Implausible Deniability

We can’t talk directly about what is going on. We could, but it might attract attention. Amanda is taking a late Saturday approach to the morning oversight duty, but we know the rules. If you notice some of the crap going on, there is the real opportunity to be censured and even lose the chance […]

Working Backwards

Our Attorney Amanda is the one that started the minor controversy this morning. She normally tries to steer us away from C&C issues, since those are the ones most likely to get us into trouble. “Current and Controversial” is too complicated to say in full, so we go with the abbreviation. It is not intentional, […]

Going Through the Laundry Bag

DeMille is the leader of the Writer’s Section at Socotra House mostly through default. Everyone else is too lazy. By training, he is an engineer with a specialty on safe reactor operations. It is harder for him to let go the basic organizational skills than it is for the rest of us. For example, while […]

Weather Report: Flurries of “News”

So, that is what the Writer’s Section under close supervision by our Attorney Amanda decided was a capture of the week’s news. You will notice what is not “in the news.” Oh, wait. Of course you wouldn’t notice! We have been trying to follow fellow scribe Marlow’s advice from his Coastal Empire. “Get cleaned up […]

1939 Rhymes

Morning, Folks! We are going to defer to Amanda this morning. We had a hurried meeting this morning out by the Fire Ring before we made our pitch to her for preliminary approval to get to production. Her Legal Shop is not imposing censorship, she tells us. That is something the Chairman is concerned about. […]

Car People

The car in the picture wasn’t mine. Dad worked for American Motors, and we didn’t produce muscle. Our best try was the 343 Javelin, though the AMX could raise an eyebrow coming off the light changing to “green.” Under George Romney, the man who hired Dad to sculpt sensible designs of reasonable automobiles that could […]

Going Out

It is a cloudless and brilliant Piedmont morning. There is a sparkle of life renewing out over the pastures. There had been a note on the production schedule to do a little history on the current fight about replacing a nice equestrian property south Virginia’s Route 3 with a sprawling data-center complex to serve the […]