Category: DailySocotra

The Sciency Method

(A variety of depictions of the Scientific Method. The old one. We have a newer one based on Sciency sounding things that makes us feel better). Refuge Farm was in a bit of a turmoil on a lovely morning. We haveall heard a lot about Science over the last two years that has wrenched our […]


Thank Goodness Marlow came up with something this morning for the first of this new month. He talked about Grandparents and birthdays. We were left with ‘fools.’ There had been some glances at the night cap last night before surrendering the Month of March to the gentle embrace of the Piedmont darkness and the imminent […]

Vietnam Veteran’s Day

(POWs return, 1973, Midway flight deck, Delegation at the Caravel Hotel, Saigon, military relics of an old war, and the gates to the former US Embassy). Morning, Folks! There is a lot going on and many tugs on memory in all sorts of directions. By separate correspondence, Marlow is in with a story we will […]

Weather Report: Balkan Branches and Sequels?

It was an interesting week and we are only at the Camel Day hump! There are reports that Peace may be on the verge of breaking out in Ukraine. Socotra House no longer has access to classified information, though, and we have to rely on the opposing narrative lines in the propaganda end of the […]

The Battle to Preserve Our Past Continues

Gentle Readers, The American Battlefield Trust has joined the battle in which I enlisted several years ago to attempt to preserve some of the landscapes that framed the struggles of our Revolution and Civil War. We were successful in purchasing a McMansion sited on the top of the hill in the center of the Battle […]

…And Taxes

“Good morning, Gentle Readers. I am Amanda, the quiet one they complain about here. The Writer’s Circle is reluctant to go outside this morning, since at first light under a sliver moon and the brilliant light of Venus it is sixteen degrees by the Fire Ring at Refuge Farm. The Person in Red on the […]


Morning, Folks! There are the usual fits-and-starts outside in Virginia’s lush Piedmont as we drive into Spring. The waning moon gave us a glimmer as the sun came up. Pretty morning. The gang drifted out of sleep sacks for coffee and conversation at the Fire Ring not supervised by the Attorney who is supposed to […]

Rock and a Hard Place

The Writer’s Section at Refuge Farm had been concerned with the President’s latest apparent impromptu declaration advocating the overthrow of the chief of the Russian government. That was the third in an interesting series of walk-backs from whoever is actually in charge of things at the White House. But violence was the topic of interest. […]

The Rule of Four

The word began swirling late yesterday. It was uncertain, as is all the “news” these days. In the version presented and disseminated through the West, it appeared a solution to the invasion of Ukraine by Russia may have lurched to what is possibly a solution that could save life and lessen that chance of use […]

Splash Deferred

(Belmont Farms Delivery Vehicle. A known Classic. Photo Belmont Farms). Splash was missing at the Morning Production Meeting. The Attorney was smiling. She had taken firm and decisive steps to remedy a growing problem. Thankfully, the problem had been resolved in a manner precluding a call to local law enforcement, which would have created a […]