Category: DailySocotra

Letter to the Editor

We have been caught up in a minor struggle here in a lovely place that has experienced greater ones. Much greater. It caused the Chairman to actually draft a note to the local paper, marking his opposition to some of the industrial change being proposed on agricultural land in this part of the Virginia Piedmont. […]

Weather Report: Stalemate and Tipping Points!

They say Mr. Putin, also known by his nick-name “Vlad the Impaler” is headed to Brussels to talk to some people in the European Union and assure them that despite an open, armored force invasion of a country right next door, everything is fine and to just relax a little. We are apparently at a […]

General Matters

We had a nice piece to run from our pal Arrias this morning that called out to history and the astonishing confluence of events in our world today. That minimized the urgency to put something into production for street circulation, and likewise lessened our Attorney’s attention, since she thought nothing was liable to escape into […]

Point of Order

Splash was up early. The last thing we caught from the news storm of Sunday was an ultimatum from the Kremlin- we used to say things like that- about what had been a pretty nice town on the Black Sea in Ukraine. It had been surrounded by some invading army, and as night settled in […]


Editor’s Note: This popped up in a search for something else. It was written onboard USS Midway, then home-ported in Yokosuka, Japan, and an account of an ancient military exercise in the height of the Cold War. Four US Marines were just lost in Norway in something similar in these strange times of a new […]

Waxing Gibbous

“You may as well talk about the cycles of the sky!” That is how our assigned Attorney greeted the weekend. We had been talking about the waxing gibbous Moon that under clearing skies the bathed Refuge Farm in silver-colored light sharp enough to cast shadows. She stood up, almost flounced in emotion and went to […]

Mixed Demeanor

The crew was of mixed demeanor this morning. Splash was unusually subdued, perhaps still working off the celebration recently passed. Melissa looked radiant and wore a long flowing dress of practical construction, themed in a sort of dark fabric with flashes of bright green like the jungles in which she had once lived. Loma and […]

The Hills Around Us Are Green

(These are the Chaplains of the Civil War Union Army’s Irish Brigade. It is an image courtesy of Alexander Gardner through the Library of Congress). This is a special day. No, I am not referring to the global tensions that could slide us all abruptly sideways into personal and international horrors It is a collective […]

Weather Report: Law on the Edge

Goodness gracious. There is commotion at The Farm this morning. A crew- all Hispanic, we think- but certainly with the working language being Española- is laboring at vast cost to clean up the debris of the savage January season that brought down trees and branches all over the sprawling property lines. The Chairman is apparently […]

Crisis in Transition

Marlow is off-site, but he started off discussion with a rumination received late yesterday about conditions today. He talked about the change of life many of us call “retiring.” It hit the group standing around the Fire Ring with half-drunk coffee and an occasional puff of gray Marlboro smoke for those who still do. It […]