Category: Marlow: Life & Island Times

Life & Island Times: Les Françaises

Author’s Note: As luck would have it, W and I were out west in Napa Valley last week for the cyber and electronic warfare beginnings of WW III (Euro version). Select scenes form this visit this will be shared toute suite. During our stay, a dispatch appeared in my inbox from a recently retired shipmate […]

Life & Island Times: Ebenezer postscript

Editor’s Note: Minor chaos at The Farm this morning. Joyful but tinged with more mildly alarming financial news from the Fed. First off, and with joy, Marlow and W have a postscript to their rumination about rural rambling. Here in Culpeper? A Presidential visit to our little town yesterday presented the divide in current American […]

Life & Island Times: middle of nowhere

we’re in the middle of nowhere (and we feel fine) a road to the middle of nowhere Editor’s Note: Funny where you wind up, ain’t it? Marlow and W continue an exploration of their Coastal Empire this morning… – Vic Author’s note: In some ways my recollections of W’s and my back country Georgia road […]

Life & Island Times: Car Wash

Editor’s Note: The tide of interesting news has washed the shores of Marlow’s Coastal Empire. On a delightful Sunday morning, filled with light, there are continuing rumblings from overseas. In the meantime, there is a cascade of laws- or what used to be laws- being circumvented by the very government charged under law (and Oath) […]

Life & Island Times: Cats

Over the weekend, we were planning to pick up the outdoor feral cat, Barbie, whom we’ve been fostering, from a three week stay at the vet to cure a nasty tunneling infection when we spied the following doings at our place. Here is some color commentary on their play by play. To tell the truth, […]

Life & Island Times: Road Choices

The Hostess City and her surrounding Empire are not hard to take going 25 mph on Bull Street or the Coastal Highway at 45 Mph with the architectures, hills, rivers, marshes, old trees, fields, wild and garden flowers, and empty-lot BBQ drum places where guys are shooting the breeze as entire pigs and quarter cows […]

Life & Island Times: Roma

Editor’s Note: We were thinking about using little Romulus, Michigan, in the alphabet cities series, but Marlow has a better idea this morning. Some of us wound up in Rome frequently during the Balkan crisis- well, an older Balkan crisis- and the grim business to the East of a city that once ruled it all. […]

Life & Island Times: Antidote

Author’s Note: With all the social media upset, domestic political turmoil and winds of war sweeping the country, I decided to share some old memories of an antidote that still serves me and my g-g-generation well. -Marlow 25 January 2022 Antidote And then Motor Town music happened to me. My hometown never hosted big rock […]

Life & Island Times: Expensive Regrets

Editor’s Note: The recent chill affects us all in this swath of the Eastern Seaboard. Marlow provides his take on the events which paved our highway and the way we drive upon it now. – Vic We seem to be endlessly watching America’s leaders and opinion makers in suave put-together outfits, inhabiting well staged scenes, […]

Life & Island Times: Weird Season and Mangoes

Author’s Note: This is a rear oblique screen capture of last summer’s weird season when the absence and presence of cravings descended upon me during the rising tsunami of Delta. Of course, your mileage may have varied. -Marlow PS What the hell — Still Alive and Well! A portion of our last southernmost mango harvest […]