Category: Marlow: Life & Island Times

Coastal Empire: Over, Under, Sideways Down

Coastal Empire: Rants 1 & 2 Editor’s Note: Marlow sums up a general consensus for those who remember some of America’s moments in misguided policy. The long string of notes on “Afghanistan” is one for the books, from people who helped the Saigon evacuation in 1975, those who responded to the Tehran Hostage Crisis and […]

Coastal Empire: And Now for Something Completely Different

18 August 2021 Editor’s Note: The Editorial Staff was wrestling with the Afghan situation and the aftermath of a horrific humanitarian collapse. The topic caused the two Interns to look on with amazement, and another member of the senior circuit to announce “their” displeasure on a topic settled by law 56 years ago and depart […]

Life & Island Times: Time Has Come Today

Editor’s Note: A lot of the Old Timers are captured in memory today. I am one of them. So is Marlow. – Vic Author’s Note: The below images and video reminded me of the Chambers Brothers 1966 song Time Has Come Today and provoked these thought shards to surface from the sedimentary levels of the […]

Coastal Empire

Editor’s Note: Marlow is on a similar bandwidth this morning. Second Republic got me going. Marlow’s E-USA sums it up nicely. -Vic Author’s Note: Your Second Republic phrase caused this harried pecking and blathering. John’s obit notice turbo’d it. -Marlow Dear Vic, Let’s go internet surfin’ now Everybody’s signing up now Come on and internet […]

Marlow’s Coastal Empire: Old-Splaining

Editor’s Note: A splendid morning on The Farm and down on Marlow’s Coastal Empire. There is a lot going on, since our Congress needs to take a break while confronting the assorted emergencies they were elected to solve. Marlow takes a moment to help explain it to those of us who are a little confused […]

Life & Island Times: Ch-ch-ch-ch-changes

Editor’s Note: Marlow is dead on this morning. Two men in a truck are bringing the remnants of Big Pink life down to the farm this morning, to help fill up a couple corners of the Loading Dock area with miscellany. The Ch-ch-ch-changes are happening here. Some of the debris included two manuscripts of books […]

Coastal Empire Update

Editor’s Note: Marlow was stimulated by a rumination on movement here in the Piedmont. There is some of that at Refuge Farm, mostly concerned with re-allocating assorted junk from one storage location in a pleasant urban area to another pleasant one in a setting more rural and benign. There is plenty to talk about this week, […]

Life & Island Times: Along the Marsh Edges

August 1, 2021   Along the Marsh Edges of the Coastal EmpireCoastal Empire     To avoid the terrors of the night with its impenetrable shadows of darkness, we ended our back country motorcar adventuring in the Empire’s marshlands during the plague well before the moon’s rise and the sun’s fall.   Not even powerful […]

Life & Island Times: Notes on Ted and His Hood

Editor’s Note: We got a great note of spleen about one of those educational comedies that masquerade as education these days. It turned into a Winds of Change story the Writer’s Section dubbed “Useful Idiots.” Winds stories are part of a blunt work intended to be a sequel to the well-received “The 70 Days,” a short […]

Life & Island Times: Marlow’s Porch Bath

Editor’s Note: Morning! The Interns are having an off-morning. Both Stephanie and Josh are unlocated, and since they are not generally restricted to the Loading Dock area near the barn, veteran writers have been pressed into service to examine this offering from the redoubtable Marlow. To help readers focus, there is an original work of verse […]