Category: Marlow: Life & Island Times

Life & Island Times: Detour Day 22

May 2001 All Of Sudden In St Louis During my two wheeled road trips, I never felt nerves or sensed or heard premonitions. Steve and I had slept well and deeply for many of the preceding nights. Twenty-two years later I still marvel at the insanity of having our entire future or better said any […]

Life & Island Times: Detour, Day 21

Editor’s Note: A stern lecture to the independent contracting force entrusted with editorial duties this morning included a stern admonition and reminder that the number “21” comes immediately after “20.” We hope it works. – Vic At our lunch stop diner, Skids, in Cimarron Kansas, we met a self-described motorcycle fiend. Retired (in 1980) 20+year […]

Life & Island Times: Detour, Day 20

Almost ran over a guy as he foolishly tried to mosey across US-50. L-to-R in front of us, all the way, never once tired to trot, let alone run out of danger. Only hard evasive repeated actions by us saved him from having his shorts browned or his head turned bright red after being launched […]

Life & Island Times: Detour, Day 18

Editor’s Note: Building Management at Big Ink ran a test of complete Condo Association conversion to Renewable power sources. The initial test, scheduled for dawn on a cloudy day introduced unplanned variation in composition management and iteration control. The mis-ordering of episodes is the regrettable full responsibility of the independent editorial contractors with a distant, […]

Life & Island Times: Detour Day 19

May 2001 Detour Version 1.0 Day 19 “Utah has Arizona’s scenery but a better color consultant.” -Marlow to Steve after driving through Utah Grand Junction Colorado and the last of Steve’s friends are our city stops. Stopped for brunch in Delta Utah at the Topps Café. First meal of the trip where the sole coffee […]

Life & Island Times: Detour Day 17

May 2001 Detour Version 1.0 Day 17 Go east, young man, go east. -roadtrip guidance from those back in Virginia We left San Jose after light breakfast and headed for Nevada, crossing the Sierras via CA88. In the Stockton area, we passed through a series of ridges covered with monstrously large windmill driven electrical generators. […]

Life & Island Times: Detour, Day 16

Editor’s Note: Land warfare in Europe is in progress. There is a Chinese proposal to talk about peace on the table unacceptable to two of the participants. In response to tension, our Navy has eliminated fitness standards. The ground in Ukraine is thawing, making movement a challenge for the next few weeks. The crisis grinds […]

Life & Island Times: Detour, Day 15

May 2001 Detour Version 1.0 Day 15 To each, his own. Steve wanted another southern slice of the PCH, while I wanted to revisit some old haunts on the peninsula and the new to me Monterey Aquarium. The aquarium’s 35 foot tall, swaying kelp beds were entrancing. The geriatric otters (>14 years old) in residence […]

Life & Island Times: Detour Day 14

May 2001 Detour Version 1.0 Day 14 Point Lobos A leisurely breakfast followed by a visit to base housing to look at the late 1970s townhome residence I had when I studied here for my graduate degree and wrote a thesis on the Arpanet. Point Lobos was the sole item on the agenda. No words […]

Life & Island Times: Detour, Day 13

May 2001 Detour Version 1.0 Day 13 “G*# D+^ M^%#er#<-*ing SOB!!” -Evelyn at Salinas Harley Davidson We were going to the Salinas Harley dealer to get a new battery after Steve rope-towed me and my two cylindered arrow to life and headed east to the San Fernando Valley. Just like he did after dinner last […]