Category: Marlow: Life & Island Times

Life & Island Times: April Fool’s Edition: The Dude Speaks

Editor’s Note: It is the day to celebrate fools, or their foolishness, anyway. This is Marlow’s take on an older version that seems completely appropriate this rainy morning in Virginia’s lush Piedmont… – Vic Author’s note: Dear readers, below the tear line is a slightly tongue-in-cheek piece that was written during the early January days […]

Marlow’s Musings

Editor’s Note: The following essay and poetic musings are contributed by Socotra House stalwart Marlow, prince of the Coastal Empire. It was an item in a contentious morning meeting by the Editorial weenies at Socotra House. Some said that total compliance with new Footnotes would limit the semblance of objectivity we harness to make the […]

Life & Island Times: They’re in the wire

Editor’s Note: There is more excitement in an already exciting year! The Government is going to send me some of your money, while riffling through my wallet to send you some of mine. We are billing it to our grandkids. What could go wrong? Don’t ask the kids. Marlow has some observations of his own, […]

Marlow: Members of a Cult

Editor’s Note: It appears we have been victorious in the battle against the dread COVID. The President read a nice speech summarizing the triumph of his last month or so in office, and we may be able to gather in small family groups by the 4th of July, which is a holiday that apparently may […]

Marlow: Take Trois re Socotra House Authors

Editor’s Note: There is an Author’s Circle meeting Sunday mornings, quite apart from the irritating Editorial Board, which permits participation by the increasingly irritating Compliance Branch. The Sunday Session is suitably timed for those who have attended holy services, or staggered back from brunch. There is one who claims to be an early riser and […]

Editorial Notes & Island TImes: “Always Look On The Bright Side Of Life”

Letter to the Editor: So, in your shallow attempt at compliance with Government edicts, you have ignored the growing hard of ‘renewable’ energy problems. You are deliberately ignoring the tyranny of Chinese rare-earth extraction using children and virtual slaves in Uighar minority areas. Then, the destruction of worn-out windmill blades and solar panels that cannot […]

Marlow’s Socotra House Author Standards Pt. 2

Editor’s Note: As this astonishing year continues to roll out, renowned contributor Marlow has formulated guidance for our Scribbling Stable of author’s to be acceptable to the new order. Shakespeare, Dr. Seuss and mathematics are out of favor. We have removed all “classical” tomes from the Socotra library in light of changing standards that deem […]

Life & Island Times: Identities

Editor’s Note: In keeping with the spirit of our new Emergency Health measures, we have recognized the distinct changes required in multiple areas of Socotra House Publications. In order to remain vigilant and compliant, we have hired several of the indigent people hanging around the loading dock to augment our Compliance Staff. For those who […]

Life & Island Times: Author Bio Notes

Editor’s Note: As dedicated readers know, Marlow is always on the cutting edge. This morning he is cutting the dust off his old bio, part of a coordinated information campaign useful in our global marketing structure. It is anticipatory in nature, but expected to fully conform with emergency public health policy adopted by our Governor […]

Life & Island Times: Marlow’s “Observant”

Editor’s Note: I saw this piece from Marlow over the weekend. I had just finished another pass on “The Seventy Days” book about the recent craziness Amazon tells me they may approve it for release tomorrow. I will let you know how that goes. In the meantime, what follows is something that struck me hard. […]